I was getting slick between my thighs with just the words we were trading.

“We should definitely have sex with him,”my wolf said. She was getting restless, and ready to run again. But, with how much I was working, it just didn’t seem possible.

“That’s a terrible idea.”

“Why?”she countered.

I didn’t have a real answer for her.

I didn’t want to have sex with him, because I didn’t want to let my feelings for him grow any stronger.Shewanted my feelings to grow.

“It’ll be better if we maintain space between us. Sex is probably a bad call,” I finally said.

His eyes were narrowed when they flashed toward me. “Maintainspace?”


“Is that why you’ve been working extra?” he growled.

Double shit.

He was exhausted and grumpy…

And apparently, putting the pieces of my plan together in his mind.

“They need me at the bakery,” I said.

It was mostly true, but it really wouldn’t be a big deal to hire another person to take half my hours. I’d still have plenty of time to handle the croissants.

No one could make them as well as me.

He pulled off the road, parking in the lot of an empty gas station so he could turn to face me. His eyes blazed with anger, which didn’t seem like a good omen. “You’ve been avoiding me on purpose.”

Was there any point in lying?

Probably not.

“Things got too intense between us, too fast,” I said bluntly. “You brought back my shitty memories, and held me when I cried. That makes me feel really damn self-conscious, and I’m not comfortable with how quickly we got to that point.”

His nostrils flared. “You pushed me to tell you what I knew about blood wolves. I wasn’t trying to bring back shitty memories.”

“Well, maybe we’re just toxic together,” I shot back.

“Like hell we are. I take care of you, and you do the same for me, whether you can admit it to yourself or not. You bring me two croissants every time we meet for coffee, and only keep one for yourself. Purposefully or subconsciously, you’re caring for me the same way I do you.”

“Believe what you want to believe,Archie. Just pull back onto the road. I need to get back.” I turned away from him, gesturing to the road.

He growled again.

Then he pulled back out into traffic, heading in the opposite direction of the bakery.

I was totally screwed.

“Where are we going?” I demanded.

“Away.” His voice was rough and angry.

“So you’reabductingme now? Do you really think that’s a good idea, Arch? It’s not exactly going to make me like you more.”