I desperately, madly wanted to.

But I needed to stick with my damn avoidance plan, for my sanity.

And my safety, too.

It was becoming clearer and clearer that I could fall into feelings for Madd easily. Very, very easily.

So, the plan was a must.

“Nope.” I ate the last bite of my croissant. “I might need to work late, too.”

I was going to have to take the last few hours of Tori’s shift to make that happen, but I’d manage. She’d be thrilled.

I was positive she was going to be scaling back on her hours significantly, anyway. Now that she had free housing and a steady blood source she didn’t have to charge for, she didn’t need to work the eighty-four-hour work weeks we’d been pulling. I wasn’t even sure if the hours were technically legal, but considering our blood wolf status, we didn’t give a damn.

We worked, and we slept.

And that was all.

“Your shift is already twelve hours, Vee.”

It made me warm every time he used that nickname. I hated how much I loved it. I could never give myself a chance to be that vulnerable with him again.

“One of my coworkers has to leave early,” I lied.

His eyes narrowed. “Andyouhave to take the shift? Why? I’m sure someone here is working a more reasonable schedule than seven twelve-hour shifts a week.”

“I volunteered. I like working, and I need the money.”

His palms spread on the table as he leaned toward me. “You willalwayshave enough money. I own the whole fucking city.”

“You aren’t me, remember?”

His eyes flashed, and his wolf glared out at me. “I’m yours as much as you’re mine, female. Everything I own is yours.”

“I haven’t agreed to seal the bond yet.”

My wolf moved unhappily within me, warning me that she was considering taking over.

She didnotlike the idea that I might not ever seal a bond with her mate.

“You will,” Madd said.

My wolf settled a bit.

She liked his dominance as much as I did, if not more.

“I’ve got to go. Thanks for the fancy coffee. Enjoy the croissants.” I rose to my feet smoothly, and managed two steps before he caught my arm.

With one motion, he spun me on my toes and pulled me into his arms. My chest met his, and my eyes closed automatically as my arms slipped around his back too.

It was like my body refused not to hug him back.

I breathed his scent in deeply, ignoring the goosebumps on my arms as I did so.

He was gorgeous.

He smelled like heaven.