She frowned. “You should have plenty of blood too. I’m sure Madd will feed you whenever you’re hungry.”

I made a face. “I’m trying to avoid him.”

Her eyebrows raised. “How? Why?”

“I don’t want a mate any more than you do.” I shook my head. “And it’s weird. Things are getting too intense. It’s too fast, and… uncomfortable.”

“You didn’t look uncomfortable to me.”

“Shut up,” I grumbled.

Tori smiled.

“You’re trying to avoid taking a mate too,” I pointed out. “For all you know, one of the guys in the pack could be yours.”

“Yes, but it’s much easier to avoid someone before they become your mate than after. I think it’s too little, too late, Love. He wants you. You want him. Why not let it happen?”

“We can’t be friends if you’re going to talk like this,” I warned.

She laughed. “Good thing we adopted each other as sisters years ago.”

We continued chatting as we worked. Though Tori kept bringing the conversation back to me and Madd, I kept changing it.

Soon enough, my phone vibrated in my pocket, and I slipped my gloves off and pulled it out of my apron. My boss didn’t care if we kept our phones on us as long as we sanitized properly, and all of us bakers kept an eye on each other.


Ready for your break?

My eyebrows shot upward when I saw his first name in my phone. He had introduced himself as Madd, and I’d never heard anyone call him Archer. So why had he put his name in that way?

I texted him back.


Sure. I need ten to finish up.


OK. What drink do you want?


Not picky. Something sweet. Surprise me.


I’m not a fan of surprises


It’s just coffee, pick something

He sent me a gif of someone sighing, and I couldn’t stop my lips from curving.

That damn alpha.

“I thought you were avoiding him,” Tori teased me, as I grabbed a fresh pair of gloves and started working again.