Because it wasn’t a place most vampires would walk into willingly.

His chest rumbled in satisfaction.

He wasdefinitelya werewolf.

The bartender stepped back over to us, setting a red drink in front of Mad.

My eyes lingered on it.

The color was a few shades off, but I could almost let myself believe it was blood.

My stomach growled again, louder than it had before.

“Anything else?” the bartender asked him.

“Whatever Love wants to drink.” He gestured toward me. “And eat.”

Honestly, I wasn’t hungry. Not for food, anyway. I’d packed two PB&J sandwiches when I left for work—one for early lunch, and one for late lunch—and had eaten the last on my way to the bar. I was a baker, so I ate and slept at weird times.

“Perfect. What can I get you?” the bartender asked me. Her smile was brighter than it had been before, and her eyes were wider. I was suspicious of her reaction, but obviously couldn’t show that.

“Whatever he’s having, and some fries.” I didn’t have a copy of their menu, but what country-themed bar wouldn’t have fries?

“Fries and a Blood & Sand, coming right up.” She winked at Mad before she walked away.


Ohh, that sounded so damn good.

My stomach rumbled yet again.

“She looked happy,” I remarked.

“I’m friends with her husband.”

I nodded like I didn’t knowhusbandwas code formate.

Even a woman who wasn’t a supernatural herself would recognize Mad as one in a heartbeat. Human men just didn’t look like that.

And supernaturals had been a part of the general public for over a century, so they were just a part of life.

“Cool.” I didn’t ask another question, because I didn’t want to encourage him.

Though I’d agreed to the drink after my wolf all but forced me to, it would be better if I left before we got to the truck-sex portion of the night.

And Ireallyneeded to get that damn country song out of my head.

“What do you do for work?” Mad asked.

That one was easy, at least.

“I’m a baker. I work in the bakery connected to theCoffee & Toffeeover on Claw Road that’s always crazy busy.”

“Cake Galore?”

I couldn’t fight my grin at the ridiculous name in his gorgeous, rumbly voice. Thankfully, my wolf was still keeping my fangs under wrap. “Yeah, it used to beCake Galore. The coffee shop owner bought them out a few months ago, though, and took down the sign pretty quickly. We’reCoffee & Toffee & Cake, now.”
