He grumbled and groaned, but slowly released me.

I headed to the bathroom, making a face at my red-rimmed eyes and wild bangs when I saw them in the mirror. Without a blow drier, the best I could do was wet them down and hope for a better outcome.

When I emerged, I found Madd putting my clothes in his closet. He was still shirtless, only wearing the pair of jeans he’d had on the day before, and hot damn, I was drooling.


If I saw him naked, I wasn’t sure I could go back. If his abs looked like that, what did his thighs, ass, and calves look like?

I wasreallygoing to drool if I started imagining that.

While I got dressed, he disappeared into the kitchen. The smell of food cooking made my nose twitch while I attempted to fix my waves without a curling iron, and my bangs too. They were growing increasingly hopeless, and slightly greasy on top of it, so I abandoned that soon enough.

My new shoes made it difficult to fight a smile when I pulled them on over my ripped fishnets again, but I managed.

I was a grown woman, after all.

I could handle being given thoughtful gifts and shown small amounts of love.

And Ihadto handle it well, because I needed to start avoiding Madd, pronto. It had felt good to confide in him the night before—too good.

I couldn’t let myself keep growing attached to him, or risking my heart. In theory, we were supposed to be mates, but I still wasn’t entirely sold on that.

And anyway, he was a steamroller. I wasn’t a fragile daisy, but who wanted to be steamrolled by the person they were supposed to share their life with?

Not me.

I was stubborn, but not steam-rolling stubborn. Or I didn’t think so, at least.

But anyway, things had gotten too intense, too fast. Maybe in time, I would be willing to consider opening my heart more, but it hadn’t been long enough.

I didn’t tell anyone about my past, but I’d told him.

And hell, he’d managed to convince me toliketelling him. If my wolf wasn’t sleeping so soundly, she would’ve been actively reminding me how much I liked him, too.

So it was a mess.

But hey, it was better than the mess I’d been in before Tori and I escaped. That was a plus, even if I still got sad and worried every time I thought about Sienna.

I desperately hoped she was okay.

When I stepped out of the bedroom, I found my purse hanging off Madd’s shoulder—yes, he wasstillshirtless—and a plate of food sitting in his free hand. “Ready?”

The man may as well have walked straight out of a dream.

How the hell was I going to put distance between us?

We were both quiet while I ate during the drive to the bakery, and I took my bag when he parked behind the back door.

It was time to set my unfortunate plan into action.

“I eat lunch with the other bakers most days, so don’t worry about trying to meet me,” I said, fiddling with my bangs.

It was only going to make them greasier, but I was feeling self-conscious knowing they looked bad. And I was slightly worried I wouldn’t be able to pull off my stay-away-from-the-sexy-werewolf plan.

Madd’s forehead creased. “Is this because of the cup of blood?”

“Of course not. I just don’t want to lose my friends.”