“Where’s Sienna?”

My eyes stung again.

Once the tears started, it was hard to stop them.

“She wouldn’t leave with us. She’s always been more paranoid than us—more afraid. She was worried about what would happen if they caught us, and refused. We only had a few minutes to get away—we couldn’t spend the time it would take to convince her.”

He pulled me tighter to his chest. “When you’re ready to tell me which clan it is, we’ll get her out of there.”

My emotions were overwhelming.

Mostly, with gratitude.

“Do you remember any of your family?”

“Not a lot. I have a few memories, and an image in my mind of my mom’s smile—and a feeling that I was loved. Really, really loved. I remember the way my dad would say my name, too. He called me Vee. But there was a car crash, and there was no one willing to take me after my parents were gone. Except the vampires.” I wiped at my watery eyes again. “Fuck, this is turning into a therapy session.”

“Welcome to my office, Love. It’s also a great place for sex, when you’re in the mood.”

I couldn’t hold back the laugh that made my whole body shake. “You’re a terrible therapist.”


My smile grew sad, and faded away again.

Damn, the past hurt.

“Vee fits you better than Love.”

“I know.” I wiped my eyes, though it seemed a bit useless to do so. “When I was in the system, my caseworker told me I’d have a better chance of finding a home if I went by Love, because it made me sound sweet and kind.”

“Then I’m going to call you Vee, if it’s okay with you.”

I nodded, more tears stinging my eyes.

Damn, I was a mess.

“I think you need to hum more pop songs so I can get my shit together,” I said, wiping more tears away.

His lips brushed the top of my head before he started humming again.

I pressed my face to his chest. He held me close, the soft rumble of his hum vibrating just lightly against me.

Though I didn’t intend to fall asleep, the soft peace of the moment overwhelmed me, and I slipped into a dreamless rest.

My alarm mademy lips curve downward and my body move a little. A thick arm tightened around my back, squishing my face harder against a strong, hot chest. Fingers tangled in my hair, and a long sigh escaped me as I remembered where I was.

And why I was there.

I’d been crying… and Madd had held me. He talked to me, too.

I was supposed to be avoiding him, dammit, and he kept worming his way deeper into my life.

I didn’t even have the energy to be mad about it.

So it was time to put more space between us, somehow.

“I’ve got to go to work,” I mumbled against his chest.