“Do you sincerely want to rely on me for a ride when I offered to make you independent by buying you one, Love? In most situations, you’re very clearly an alpha. No alpha I’ve ever met would allow what you’re talking about.”

I grimaced.

He had a point.

I’d never thought of myself as an alpha, but we sure butted heads a lot.

And I definitely didn’t want to rely on him for a ride.

“I’llthinkabout letting you buy me a car,” I finally said.

“Thank you. That wasn’t so hard, was it?”

“Don’t push it,” I warned.

He chuckled, carrying both of our plates to the kitchen table. “I want us to be friends, too,” he said, pulling a chair out and gesturing me toward it. I sat down without asking questions, and he pushed my chair in. I waited to dig into my food until he was seated too, and we ate together.

His music continued playing, but otherwise, the room was quiet. It was… peaceful.

My body was tired, but calm. My hunger was at the back of my mind, the tiniest of needles.

And I couldn’t help it when my thoughts went back to the dinner we’d shared the day before.

Shit, it felt like a lifetime ago.

“Not all vampires are driven by their hunger,” I said, as we ate.

“I shouldn’t have said that,” he admitted.

“It was true, wasn’t it? That’s how you feel about vampires. That’s how a lot of people feel about vampires. And in some ways, wearedriven by our hunger. It annoys us too, not just you.”

His lips curved downward. “You don’t annoy me.”

“Well, you annoy me.” The words were half-hearted. He was a pain in my ass, but I still found myself liking him. Not just physically, but as a person. That damn dominance was going to be the death of me.

“Liar.” He took a big bite of his steak.

I took a bite of mine.

“I should’ve realized I wouldn’t be paired with a human,” Madd said, grabbing his glass of water and taking a sip. My gaze lingered on his Adam’s apple as it bobbed. “It would be a shitshow.”

“You’d bulldoze her with your good intentions in a heartbeat,” I agreed.

“At least you realize they’regoodintentions.”

“She’d probably be terrified of you. You growl more than anyone I’ve ever met. You’re at least as driven by your wolf as any vampire is by their hunger.”

He chuckled. “More, probably.”

We both ate in peaceful silence for a few minutes before he finally said, “You’re not driven by your hunger. I shouldn’t have said that.”

“I am, actually. It’s just a sore subject.” I took another bite of my steak.

“There are good and bad vampires, like any other supernatural. I didn’t mean to suggest that there weren’t.”

“It’s fine. Vampires have a bad reputation, but it’s deserved in some cases. I’m used to being the bad guy, whenever I’m not being used by one.”

“You’re not the bad guy, you were trapped in a shitty situation. It’s different.”