It had been a long day. A long, eventful day. And I needed to be at work in just a few hours, so… yeah.

I needed to get to sleep.

But the horniness was killer. The orgasm in his truck earlier that day had been like an electric shock to my body, I swear, reminding me how much I wanted to try having sex.

Then again, his scent could’ve been the culprit.

Or his body.

Or… well, pretty much anything about him.

As much as it pained me to admit, I absolutely loved how dominant the man was. If he didn’t argue with me, I wouldn’t have been attracted to him.

Maybe that meant there was something wrong with me.

That wasn’t exactly a new revelation, though. I was well aware that there was plenty wrong with me, even if I liked to pretend I had my shit together.

I didn’t see my box of clothes in his room, and didn’t feel like going out to his truck in a towel, so I grabbed a shirt from his closet and slipped it over my head. I went with a dark one, so he wouldn’t see through it.

He didn’t seem to need any more help igniting the horniness than I did.

His shirt fell nearly to my knees, so I was covered even more than usual in it. Maybe that should’ve made me feel less horny, but it didn’t.

I still wanted the gorgeous, stubborn bastard.

I searched his bathroom for a blow drier after I combed my bangs, but didn’t have any luck. Tori and I had shared one at our old apartment, so I was officially in trouble if he didn’t have one.

Music was playing and food was sizzling in the kitchen when I reluctantly padded out of his bedroom and leaned up against a wall nearby. His head was bobbing to the beat, and he was cutting something that his body kept hidden.

I watched him for a few minutes.

There was something sexy about finding him like that.



Enjoying music.

Maybe it made him seem more human to me or something.

I let myself stare for a few minutes before my gaze caught on the microwave’s clock.


“Hey, Madd. Any chance you have a blow drier hidden somewhere in this house?”

He glanced over his shoulder, his gaze growing hot as his eyes slid down my figure. “Fuck, you look good in my clothes.”

My body heated.

I wanted him too much. Way,waytoo much.

“Blow drier?” I checked.

“Yeah. Uh, no. No blow drier. You don’t have one?”

“I left it for Tori.”