“Where’s the video?” I asked him.

He scrolled up higher, and hit the link in a message.

“It’s hot,” Tori said, grinning at me as much as she could with a mouthful of pasta. She was obsessed with pasta, so I’d gotten her one with steak in it. My food was some kind of chicken dish smothered in sauce and cheese, so I hoped it would be equally incredible.

I watched the phone screen as my lips curved at something Madd said. His arms were around me, his grip secure as we sat tucked in the far corner.

We stood up after a few minutes, and the happy hostess handed Madd a bag, ignoring me completely. “Congrats on finding your mate, by the way.”

“Thanks,” I told her, smiling sweetly. “I’ve been waiting for him forages.”

Her forehead creased.

Madd tugged me closer, his grip tight and possessive. “Let’s go, Love.”

“Aww, that’s a sweet nickname.” The hostess tried to recover, smiling again.

“My name is Lovene, so it’s really not,” I said, as Madd walked me toward the doors. “And stop flirting with my—” the doors shut before the last word got out, though you could still hear my muffled, “mate!”.

And through the glass doors, you could see Madd grin at me.

The video ended, and I grimaced, setting his phone down on the table. “If the vampires didn’t know where we were, they do now.”

Tori’s smile faded.

“I’m introducing you to the pack tonight,” Madd reminded me. “And telling them what you are, so we can keep both of you safe.”

Tori’s eyebrows raised. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“It’s the only option,” Madd said bluntly. “The pack is at risk if no one knows who you are and why you’re here. The more Love is on social media, the better, because you need people on your side. The clan that created you has money, which means they have connections. And if they have connections, they’ll try to use them to get you back.”

“No one sides with blood wolves,” Tori said. “They drilled that into our heads every day since we were kids. No one would side with us over them. No one would ever give us a normal life.”

“They wanted to control you,” Madd said. “Why wouldn’t they lie to do so?”

I blinked.

I hadn’t ever put that together—the warnings about how everyone would hate us and hunt us, and the fact that they wanted us compliant.

Tori’s face told me she hadn’t either.

“What do we do, then?” she asked.

“You meet the pack tonight, so you realize they’ll have your back.”

I finally took a bite of my food. It was so good, my eyes closed for a minute. “If there’s no other option, I’ll meet them.”

“Me too,” Tori agreed, her voice a bit glum. “I’m dousing myself in perfume just in case my potential mate is there.”

“The chance of two blood wolves finding mates in my pack is highly unlikely. Fate may be drunk at times, but she does have a balance,” Madd said.

“I’m not interested in testing that theory with my future.” Tori took another bite.

I couldn’t fault her for that. If I were her, I would’ve done the same thing.

Popping another bite of chicken in my mouth, I found myself questioning all of my past decisions again…

And realized once more that despite the shitty situation I’d landed in, life was better than it had been in a long time.