My body warmed as I straddled his knee unintentionally, his erection thick and hard against my ass. The position was definitely different to the way he’d held me in the restaurant, when I hadn’t even felt his hardness.

Tori’s expression was amused as she opened the box of food in front of her, and drooled over its contents. Madd opened mine first, followed by his.

“I have hands,” I said.

“I noticed.” He handed me the plastic fork and knife that had come with the food.

Though I wanted to roll my eyes, I accepted them.

“I saw the pictures of you two in the restaurant,” Tori remarked. “They’re already all over social media.”

My eyebrows lifted. “Seriously?” Madd handed me his phone, and I saw a text thread labeled “Wildwood Pack”.

There were a half a dozen pictures, in which we looked incredibly cozy. Like… insanely cozy.

The way his hand gripped mine, and my shoulder brushed his.

The way he held me, with his arms around me.

I scrolled through the messages, and my lips curved upward without my permission at all the responses to the photos:

Hot damn, that looks comfortable

Lucky bastard

At least he finally announced it

I got the fucking chills watching the video


One of us should’ve dated the alpha while we had a chance


Hope he sends some of the mate-finding mojo my way


We’re excited for you!

I hope my mate is as enthusiastic about our bond as yours is

Her possessiveness was damn hot. Be grateful, man

The alpha’s actually smiling in one of those pics


Someone resent the image.

The world must be ending

Or he’s just obsessed with her

There were so damn many more.

He was right. They were totally a big, obnoxious family.