“Once. Today. I looked fucking insane in that shoe store, comparing the shoes you’d left at my place to new ones. The humans in the store acted like they weren’t taking pictures of me to post on their damn social media pages the whole time I was there. If I wasn’t serious, there’s not a chance I would’ve done that for you. I care about my pack, but I don’tshopfor them.”

I’d definitely heard people gossiping about the alphas in the time I’d lived in Wildwood, but I hadn’t thought about it that way.

He was basically a celebrity in the city. Hell, across much of the world too.

People knew who he was and recognized him.

But he was an ancient alpha…

Had he really gone into a shoe store and spent time comparing my shitty shoes to new ones?

“Then we’ll go with my plan to move in together, I guess,” I said.

He made a noise of agreement. “We’ll get your stuff put away in my house after we check on your friend.”

“Is the house she’s staying in furnished?”

“Yes, I had my pack take care of that during the night. What do you want to eat? And what does Tori like?” he asked.

“We’ll eat anything. Whatever’s cheapest.”

The scowl he gave me told me he wasn’t on board with that plan. “Come in and pick what you want. I don’t give a damn about the prices.”

Madd stepped out of the truck, and I reluctantly unbuckled my seatbelt. He had my door open before I had a chance to get it myself, and took my hand to help me down without offering or asking.

I appreciated the gesture anyway.

“People will stare. Ignore them,” he said, parting my fingers with his thick, strong ones as we walked toward the entrance.

“Do you have any scorned lovers I should be worried about?” I asked.

He snorted. “No.”

That was all I got from him.




Madd heldthe door for me, maintaining his grip on my hand and staying close behind me. Though I wanted to ask how many of his actions were possessive, and how many were natural, I didn’t.

There were a dozen groups waiting to be seated, and I inhaled the delicious scent of fresh bread and cooking meat while Archer led me past everyone else.

“Hi, Alpha,” the hostess beamed, her gorgeous, tan cheeks reddening at the sight of him.

My wolf growled softly in my chest.

My grip on his hand tightened.

“We need to make a to-go order,” he said, not returning her smile.

Her expression brightened anyway. “Perfect. I can take that right here.”

My grip tightened more, and Madd squeezed my hand lightly. I wasn’t sure if he was trying to tell me to stop cutting off his circulation, or that he was there with me, not her.

Maybe both.