“I don’t see what sex has to do with this situation.”

“You feel good right now because of it, don’t you?”

My body warmed at the reminder of the way I’d used his body to get off.

I forced myself to focus on my conversation with Tori.

“Sealing it would also tie me to him forever, though,” I said.

“You don’t want to be tied to your food source permanently?” Tori checked. “I would think you’ve had enough starvation to last a lifetime.”

She was right.

I sighed again anyway. “Logically, yes. But I don’t feel ready to accept a permanent bond. Particularly not after the jail thing yesterday. Which he still hasn’t apologized for.”

There was a knock on the bakery’s back door, and I glanced at the clock. I was ten minutes late, and had already clocked out, but wasn’t in a hurry to leave.

Something told me I knew who was at the door.

“I’ll finish the dishes. Go pack your shit with Prince Charming,” Tori said, waving me out. “Send me the address when you get it, and I’ll meet you there.”

“Prince Alarming would be more accurate,” I muttered, shutting the water off and peeling my gloves off.

She laughed, popping another fry in her mouth. “Tell him thanks for the burger. It’s the best thingI’veeaten in months.”

Her wink told me the emphasis was made to point out that the best thingI’deaten was Madd.

I flipped her the bird, and she laughed again, louder.

Since I didn’t have my bag, or anything else, I just opened the door.

Sure enough, Madd was in the doorway, tense. My purse was hanging over his shoulder again, but I didn’t ask about it. He’d hand it over eventually.

He relaxed as his eyes moved over me. “I thought you left.”

“Nah. You would’ve chased me.”

“Definitely. You look good,” he said as we headed toward his truck. “Eating helped.”

“Eating always helps.” There was no point in lying about that.

“You finished the burger, right?” he asked, as he opened the passenger door for me.

I slipped right in. “Sure.”

He narrowed his eyes, waiting beside me.

“What’s this?” I reached for a large shopping bag on the center console, but Madd snagged it before I could.

“My apology. Give me the truth, if you want it.”

I met his gaze. “I didn’t eat the rest of the burger. Tori was hungry. She didn’t drain a massive werewolf nearly dry two days in a row, so I gave it to her.”

He set the present on my lap, and I peered into the bag. “Iamsorry, Love. The internet told me I should bring flowers, but this seemed more personal.”

Was it… a shoebox?

I pulled the box out and opened it.