Black tattoos over almost every inch of his skin, their outline nearly visible through the thin fabric of his tee.

And hell, even sitting down, I could tell his ass was incredible.

Biting humans in Wildwood was a no go, but biting a shifter?

It was a one-way ticket out of the city.

Or into a grave.

Which meant I needed to get out of there, pronto.

Forcing myself to breathe in and out like a normal person, I slowly released one hand from under my thigh.

After a moment passed, and I was sure I wouldn’t do anything crazy, I leaned down and pulled my bag off the floor. It was a large purse I’d found at a thrift store, made of dark green fabric that spoke to the wolf in me.

“What is that incredible smell?”she murmured into my mind, as if awakened by my thought of her. There was a bond between us, some sort of magical gap in our minds where one of us lived while the other was in control.

“The guy next to me. I’m getting out of here before I accidentally drink his blood,”I replied quickly, easing my wallet out of my bag.

“He’s definitely a werewolf,”she said, studying him through my eyes.

“I know. Over six-and-a-half-feet tall.”

“And he smells like love.”

“Like lust, maybe. Or food.”

“The best food you’ve ever eaten.”

She wasn’t wrong.

I liked steak as much as any other werewolf, but I’d take a bite of the guy over a steak in a heartbeat. And that wasn’t because I was starving. He just smelled that good.

“Did you talk to him?”she asked.

“Hell no. I don’t have a death wish. If I talk to him, I’m going to bite him. And if I bite him, his pack will try to kill me.”

“Might be worth it.”

I snorted inwardly, and set a dollar on the counter. I hadn’t had anything besides water, but still felt obligated to tip. Cultural standards were a bitch.

My gaze moved back to the guy when his body went rigid beside mine.

His head jerked toward me, and a pair of intense, dark green eyes collided with my own soft browns. His nostrils flared, and his eyes…


“Ohh, he wants us,”my wolf purred into my mind.

I couldn’t respond. My fangs were throbbing too hard in my mouth, distracting me from whatever I might have otherwise been thinking.

Those bitches wanted to sink deep in his skin, find his blood, and?—

Dammit, I needed to get myself under control.

“What are you drinking?” the guy asked, without looking away from me.

I silently willed my fangs to disappear, so I could answer him without revealing myself.