“There won’t be another one. My wolf’s set his sights on you.”

“Do I need to tell you all the reasons that’s a bad idea, Madd?”

“I’ve spent hundreds of years looking for you. There’s not a damn thing in this world that could stop me from making you mine now.”

I rolled my eyes. “Exceptme.”

“I’ll convince you.”

“You haven’t even apologized for throwing me in jail, so how the hell are you going to manage that?”

His amusement vanished. “Iamsorry for that.”

“Sure you are.”

His chest rumbled unhappily. “You think I haven’t considered how differently the night could’ve gone, Love? I could’ve had you bare, in my house. In my bed. I could’ve buried my cock in your body and marked you with my scent in every way there is. You’re mine, and you don’t even fucking smell like me right now. I’m sorry I prevented that. I regret hurting you even more.”

“Hot damn,”my wolf said.“Maybe we should ask for a redo of last night. The blood drinking included.”

“We are not having a redo of last night,”I hissed back at her.“He was supposed to grovel. This is nowhere near groveling.”

“You didn’thurtme,” I said.

“Not physically.”

I flashed him a glare. “Just back off. I’m not interested.”

“Last night, you disagreed.”

“Last night, you were just some gorgeous werewolf guy I met in a bar who I wanted to sleep with. Today, you’re the asshole alpha who threw me in jail, stole my shit, fed me his blood, and won’t leave me alone.”

“You can addsexybeforeasshole alpha.”

“Theassholepart cancels out thesexybit,” I drawled back.

“For now.”


Thankfully, I could finally seeCoffee & Toffee & Cakein the distance.

“If you’re so set on me being an asshole, I might as well tell you that I have my packmates getting houses ready for you right now. And in the future, the only person or thing that will be feeding you is me,” he said bluntly.

“Maybe in your dreams, Madd,” I tossed back, even though I was probably addicted to him already.

Every vampire was aware that drinking a potential mate’s blood led to either sealing a mate bond or suffering for a decade. All other blood would taste terrible for around ten years, at which point your body would finally move on.

“You enjoyed drinking from me.”

“I’d sooner starve than do it again,” I lied.

He chuckled, his voice low and gravelly. “My mate will never starve.”

“It’s too late for that.” I stopped outside the back door of the bakery. My keys were in my bag, but I wasn’t going to tell him that.

Instead, I rapped on the metal door.

My coworker would hear me; I saw her vehicle in the parking lot.