She squeezed my leg again. “The city is nice too. When the pack’s growth slows down, everything will get simpler.”

I hoped she was right, if only so I could have more time alone with her.

I’d already dropped my hours at work too, so I was doing twenty-four on, seventy-two off, but it still didn’t feel like enough time with her.

I was starting to realize I’dneverhave enough time with her.

“Oh, I know this song,” she said, turning the volume up as the song launched into the final chorus. I parked in front of the cabin, and she flashed me a grin. “Truck sex sounds much more appealing now than it did the first time I heard it.”

My cock hardened on cue. “We can make that happen.”

Her grin grew wicked. “Oh, really?”

“Yup.” I dragged her onto my lap, and she laughed before I kissed her.

I’d spent my entire life waiting to meet her—and I’d do it all over again, if it would bring me back to that moment, with my mate on my lap and her lips on mine.

She was worth the pain, and so fucking much more.