There were emotions in his eyes that I couldn’t read. A lifetime’s worth.

He stood, scooping me into his arms. A surprised laugh escaped me as he grinned down at me, a new light in his eyes. “My pleasure.”



Rather than takingLovene to bed, I carried her to the bathroom. She leaned against me, closing her eyes, and more emotions swelled within me.





I had no idea what to do with those emotions, but I wouldn’t trade them for anything.

When the water was warm, I plugged the drain. We relaxed as the tub filled, her body still pressed up against mine.

“I feel like I haven’t discovered the depths of your horniness yet,” Lovene murmured, still curled up against my chest.

I chuckled. “You haven’t.”

“One of these days, we’ll both have enough sleep and food in us to explore it.”

“Sooner rather than later, I hope.”

“Me too.”

I leaned my head against the wall, still so damn glad to have her in my arms, and scratched her back lightly.

She sighed contently as I continued.

“You feel too nice,” she mumbled.

“So do you.” I couldn’t stop myself from kissing her forehead.

We washed up soon enough, and dried off before we tucked ourselves in bed.

Lovene pushed my chest lightly, so I rolled to my back at her soft command. When she slid on top of me, burying her face against my neck again, my body relaxed more completely than I’d imagined it could.

My female was safe, and in my arms.

She wasmine. Permanently.

With an unbreakable bond that I wouldn’t trade for any fucking thing in the world.

“I chose the perfect mate for us,”my wolf rumbled.

“You did,”I said, with no grounds to protest.

I hadn’t dared imagine a life where I was mated and happy…

But now that I had it, I’d never let it go.

Never lethergo.