Page 6 of On Icy Ground

“Hmm, that’s a good question. Are you looking for one?”

Despite the fact that I made a mess of my own life while defending my mom, my stepfather and mother see me as the villain. On the other hand, my roommates: Harper, Logan, and Hagan - view me as flawed, but ultimately a good person. As for my teammates, they often push and encourage my more aggressive side. I'm the one who ensures that the opposing team knows better than to mess with us. If someone gets slammed into the boards, you can bet I’m in the middle of the action.

She turns onto her side, placing her big purse between us. Her fingers shuffle around in the dark until she pulls out a pack of tissues, takes one out, and hands it to me.

“Are you always this prepared?” I ask as I press the tissue to my shirt, soaking up the pineapple seltzer. “What all do you have in your luggage?”

“It’s a purse.”

“More like an overnight bag. Are you looking for someone to go home with?” I turn onto my side and look into her eyes.

“No,” she says as her eyes shy away.

“Let’s play a game. If I can guess five things in your bag, you have to take off that big-ass sweater and let me warm you up.”

She thinks about it for a minute while biting down on her perfectly shaped lips. They’re full but not artificially plumped up. She finally answers, “You’re on. But what if you don’t get five correct?”

Her eyes sparkle at my proposal, but there’s a hint of trepidation.

“I’ll give you whatever you want.” Hell, I may fold just to see what it is she wants.

She stops the smile that threatens to stretch wider. “Deal.”

I’ve been intrigued since I first saw her grabbing drinks. Her braided hair is pulled through the hole of a trendy baseball cap, and she’s dressed the opposite of nearly every girl at the party. But now, I’m able to study her face. Usually, the first thing I notice is a woman’s hair, but I don’t have the luxury since it’s under her hat. She has freckles dotting her nose that I can only see when the light from the fire flickers. Her teeth are bright, and her eyes are a shade of green. A feeling that I’ve met her before hits me, but I can’t figure it out.

When I arrived this summer, I partied way too much—temptation was everywhere. Still is, but it’s hockey season, and my priorities have shifted. Less drinking for sure. However, I can’t help but pull her strings and find out more about her. I’ve always been told you can learn a lot of useful information by playing games with people. Are they competitive? Intelligent? Quick witted?

“Are you ready for me to blow your mind?”

This time, she smiles as she smirks without responding.

“We’ll see. When I name the item, you have to get it out. And put it in my hand.”

“What if all of it won’t fit?”

“Don’t worry, darlin. I have big hands.” Damn, if I don’t love the way she swallows, and her eyes linger on the size of my hands. My mind wanders, thinking about whether my dick would fit easily inside her—she’s not a puck bunny. This woman will need to be stretched.

“Driver’s license or university identification. Hand it over.”

She fishes it out and places it in my hand.

“Tissue pack.”

“Not fair, you already knew I had tissues.”

“I never claimed to play fair.” When she hands them over, my thumb swipes over her skin and floats over the ridge of a ring. I look down, unable to make out the color of the stones, but it’s definitely gold, not silver. “Birthstone?”

She answers, “Rubies for July.”

“So how old will you be?”

Her eyes shift, never connecting with mine, which means she’s lying.

“Twenty-two. You?”

“Just turned twenty-two. Peppermint lip balm.”

Her eyes widen and illuminate, even beneath the brim of her cap and the darkness of the sky. She slaps it into my hand. I have this girl all figured out, except whatever she’s trying to hide.