Page 41 of My Little Girl

I can hear Arriana shout something before quick footfalls sound on the pavement. Ignoring her, I continue forward, running through all the information I was provided.

When Andrew advised this was a high profile case, I hadn’t thought it would bethis level. Our current target is the owner and developer of a new tech company that has started to make waves throughout the industry. At least that’s what the information I could find on him said. I can’t imagine the lump sum someone had to pay to have their competition removed.

Shaking my head, I pull open the driver’s side door to the black vehicle and climb inside, letting out a groan as I settle my body into the seat.

Man, I'm getting old.

My thoughts are pulled away as the passenger door is ripped open and the ball of chaos I seem to find myself stuck with clambers into the van.

Huffing, she crosses her arms across her chest and glares at me. “Really? Just gonna leave me?” I don’t reply, raising an eyebrow at her. Letting out a heavy sigh, she slumps back into the seat. “Here I thought we were getting along so well.” She grumbles.

Scoffing, I start the search for the keys. “What the fuck gave you that impression?” I ask, pulling down the visor. When I don’t find them, I turn toward the center console.

Arriana lets out an offended squeak. “Really? You gonna really sit there and pretend you don’t love me already?” I shake my head as I dig through the items in the small compartment,snatching up the keys when my fingers land on them. “Dude, if I hadn’t seen it for myself, I’d have been positive you haven’t been laid in years.” My back stiffens, body thrumming with a sudden vicious energy.

The next words out of her mouth had better be very careful.

Oblivious to my enraged state, Arriana continues her muttered frustration. “Maybe you just aren’t getting a good enough lay. That girl seemed great and all but if you’re still this wound up she must have a shitty ass pu-”

My hand flies out and wraps around her throat. Glowering, I drag her face toward mine. “Don’t youeverspeak about her that way.” Arriana’s eyes widen at the fury radiating from me. My fingers itch to crush her windpipe for the insult she was just about to utter about my perfect girl. “In fact,” I growl through clenched teeth. “Don’t speak about herat all.” I flex my fingers, tightening their hold even farther. “Ever again.” I warn, holding her trapped until she inclines her head.

Fighting against every part of me screaming to end the infuriating woman in my grasp, I release her and shift back into my seat, inserting the keys into the ignition. Out of the corner of my eye I can see her massage her throat. “Jeezus, a little touchy subject. Got it.” I don’t respond to her complaints, starting the vehicle and pulling out onto the road. “I’ll find a way to get you to loosen up though.” I grind my jaw at her continued musings, wishing more than anything for her to just shut the fuck up. Either ignoring the palpable energy flowing from me or oblivious to it, Arriana declares, “I quite like you so I’m determined to help keep you around longer.”

I tune out her plans and ideas of ways to prolong my life, already making a mental vow to tell Andrew I’m never stepping foot near this crazy bitch again. I don’t care what they have to say, nothing is worth this headache.

Driving toward our destination, I can only hope this hit will be quick.

Chapter 23


I startle as Fallon shoves a book into my stomach. “Here!” She chirps, excitement bubbling out of her as she bounces on the balls of her feet.

“What is this?” I question wearily, eyeing the book still clutched in her hands.

Pulling back, she holds the novel at a much more reasonable distance, waving it between us. “I went back to Between the Pages and grabbed this bad boy for you.” Fallon wiggles her eyebrows at me.

I chuckle, remembering the shy girl who stumbled into me all those months back. I’ve loved getting to know the Fallon beneath her timid exterior.

You wouldn’t know it by looking at her, but the girl isfilthy. Like make your grandmother blush nasty. She blames it on all the word porn she reads but I think we both know it was in her long before she ever picked up a book with the wordscockandpussyas frequent as the wordand.

Fallon tips the book toward me again, looking at me expectantly. Cautiously, I reach out and take it from her outstretched hand. Looking down, my eyes widen when I recognize the cover. “No.” I gasp, a blush creeping across my face. “You didn’t.”

It’s not a question, more an expression of disbelief. Held in my hands is the vampire romance book that still features in some of my fantasies.

Giggling, Fallon bobs her head up and down, clasping her hands together. “Sure did! I could tell how much you loved it and I neeeeed a book bestie.” She waggles her eyebrows again as she holds out the e unnecessarily long. “Please? Will you be my smut sister? My freak friend? My fellow lewd lover? My -”

I hold up a hand to stop her, we’ve been through similar situations in our friendship and I know she could go on for hours. Words are my friend’s thing, alliterations even more so. “Okay. If you’ll stop that I’ll be anything you want.” I concede.

Her face flushes, eyes darting away. Guilt flows through me as I realize what I unintentionally implied. While neither of us has acknowledged it, her feelings for me have been quite obvious. Itry to make my own very clear, not wanting to lead her on, but sometimes I shove my foot in my mouth.

Taking a deep breath, Fallon plasters a smile on her face before looking back at me. “Just read the book, fall in love with the spice, and that’ll be good enough for me.” Her lips twitch just slightly at the lie.

Making a big show of it, I flip through the book, nodding. “You got it sister. Just call me Bella cause I’m about to get balls deep in some vampires.” I make sure to keep my face straight and voice serious as I look back at my friend.

A few heartbeats pass before we’re unable to hold back the laughter, both breaking at the same time and erupting into giggles.

Wiping my finger under my eyes, I try to sober up. “Seriously though, thank you. This was very sweet.” I tuck the book into my messenger bag, shooting a grin at her.