Page 58 of Bleed for Me

“Yes, you did!” He snaps. “You and that stupid asshole.”

My eyes widen.

He can’t mean…How would he know about Mick? Last time they saw each other, Seth was all but fangirling over making a new “friend”.

I blink several times, trying to get my emotions under control. A memory pushes its way from my subconscious, a voice replaying in my head.

“I see what he was so enamored with…I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tell you now. You will find out soon enough…”

My racing heart stutters to a halt, my lungs seizing right along with it.No.It can’t be.Even as I try to deny it, I’m reminded of how buddy-buddy Seth and Kristoph were that day in the shop. That Kristoph knew someone else who wanted me. That something about it was funny to him.

My gaze shifts back to Seth and it’s like I’ve never seen him before. Glaring at him, I lean farther away, hand clasping the door handle. “Pull over Seth.” I try to keep my voice steady as apprehension fills me. “I mean it, you need to pull over and let me out. Right now.” He doesn’t respond, flexing his fingers repeatedly over the wheel. Growing panic and anger rise within me.

I need to get out of this car.

Finally giving in to the fear, I screech, “Pull the fucking car over!” He still says nothing, just calmly reaches over and hits the lock button for the doors and windows. I shriek, yanking on the handle and shoving my body against the door. It’s useless but I continue to beat on the inside of the car, desperately trying to escape while screaming curses at Seth.

He doesn’t say a word as he turns the opposite direction of my destination.

God fucking damnit. I’m being kidnapped again!

Fuck. My. Life.

Chapter 30


Jesse and I laugh and wave our goodbyes as we step out of the conference room. Our laughter dies immediately and we are silent on the way to my office. Once inside, I groan and massage my temple.

“I know man. That was terrible.” Jesse offers, shoving his hands in his pockets.

I nod, sighing as I run a hand over my jaw. “At least we got the account.” I drop my hand and pull out my phone. Jesse says something else but I don’t hear him as panic floods my system.

1 missed call

8 unread text messages

“Hey, you okay?” I startle at the feeling of a hand on my shoulder. Looking up I see Jesse staring at me, concern on his face.

Shrugging, I look back at my phone. “Dunno, I think there might be something wrong.” I mumble as I pull up the text chat. My panic morphs to anger as I read and I’m running out the door the second I finish the last text.

I hope I’m not too late.


Hey, I’m sure it’s nothing and sorry to bother you but Seth showed up at my apartment.


He’s just acting super weird and I’ve got a bad feeling, ya know?


Don’t worry though, I’m sure I'm just overreacting.


Rather be safe than sorry, right? *laughing face emoji*