Page 57 of Bleed for Me

“It’s me, Paige. Can we talk?”

I let out an exasperated sigh.

I don’t have the time or energy to deal with this right now.

“Can we do this later, Seth? I’m running late for work.”

It’s mostly not a lie, I just want some time alone and Idoneed to leave for work soon.

Biting my lip, I push off the guilt trying to creep up on me.

“I could give you a lift?” Seth offers, dangling his keys for the camera but still keeping his face averted. It seems odd but I really don’t feel like driving.

And at least I’ll have an excuse to exit the conversation once we get there.

Running my hand through my hair, I glance at the clock. I force back the groan as I concede. “Okay. Just give me a few minutes and we’ll head out.”

Seth nods and stuffs his keys back into his pocket. “Cool, I’ll meet you outside.” He quickly turns around and strides off, not waiting for a response. I roll my eyes and mutter “men” as I finish getting ready.

About ten minutes later, I’m walking out of the apartment building and look around. I spot Seth leaning against a vehicle that looks oddly familiar, cap still pulled low. Deciding I don't care enough to ask, I walk up to him.

Hearing my approach, Seth looks up at me. “Still as punctual as ever.” He drawls sarcastically.

I place a hand on my hip and glare up at him. “I didn’t ask you for a ride. If you’ve got an issue or somewhere else to be, go ahead.” I turn to storm toward my car and halt as Seth’s hand wraps around my wrist.

Looking back, I see him run a hand down his face. “Fuck, I’m sorry Paige. It’s fine. Let’s just go, yeah?” With him this close, I take the opportunity to study his face. There are dark circles under his eyes and the beginning of what looks like a bruise forming around his left one. I narrow my own as I look and he quickly averts his gaze, opening the door for me to climb in. “Ready?” He grumbles, barely containing the irritation in his voice.

Something is making alarm bells ring in my head but I can’t figure out what it is. I glance at the car and back at Seth, his fingers tighten around the doorframe as his muscles bunch up. I might be paranoid but my hours of true crime consumption are giving me the urge to be extra cautious. “Oh fuck.” I smack my head with my palm.

Seth looks at me, confused and suspicious. “What?”

“I forgot my shop keys in my apartment, I need them to lock up tonight. You mind staying here and I’ll run up and grab them? Only take a couple minutes, promise.” I smile up at him and his face softens, easing some of the tension.

“Sure, just be quick. You’re late, remember?” He teases, the corner of his mouth turning up in a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

I nod and turn to the apartment, trying to keep my pace to a non-suspicious“I forgot something and I’m running late”rather than“I think something’s wrong and I need to tell my serial killer maybe-boyfriend who I’m with in case I go missing”. Judging by the fact I’m not tackled on my way inside, I think I’ve pulled it off.

I scramble up to my apartment and hurry inside, shutting the door behind me in case Seth decides to come investigate. Once inside, I whip out my phone and pull up Mick’s number. I press call with shaky hands and wait. It rings several times before going to voicemail.

Shit. Okay, a text is still better than nothing.

Typing quickly, I shoot off a series of text messages, keeping an eye on the time. When I think I’ve pushed my luck as far as I can, I silence my phone and go to put it in my pocket. Pausing, I stare down at the small device, flashes of the last times I needed it but didn’t flash through my mind.

After a quick internal debate, I hide the phone in my boot. Sliding my shop keys out of my bag, I grasp them tightly in my hand. I turn and fling open the door, about to rush downstairs when I run into a firm body.

Seth reaches out and steadies me. I look up and smile, waving my keys in my hand. “Got them, ready to go?” I ask, trying to keep my tone light.

He nods and gestures for me to head downstairs first. The uneasiness returns in full force as I turn my back on him and start toward the stairs. We make it out of the apartment building and into his car with no incidents. I start feeling a little embarrassed about my behavior as we take off.

Perfect, add paranoid to the list of my apparent red flags. No wonder I’ve been single for so long.

Attempting to distract myself from my internal deprecation, I study Seth’s profile as he drives. His cheeks are taut and the stubble he had last time I saw him has grown to a small beard. His eyes are bloodshot and there’s more than just the first bruise I had noticed earlier. As I move my gaze down, I notice he has cuts and bruises along most of his exposed skin.

Gingerly, I reach out and brush an especially nasty one on his forearm. “Seth?” I ask softly. He doesn’t respond, only glances at me and looks away again. I try again, concern outweighing the survival instinct in me screaming for me to shut up. “Seth, what happened to you?”

He clenches his jaw, I can see the muscle working as he fights with something inside. Finally, he sighs and tightens his grip on the wheel. Still not looking at me, he simply says, “You.”

Flinching, I remove my hand and lean back against the car door. “What? I didn’t do this!” I cry, my heart thundering in my chest. That familiar tug pulls at me again, something trying to work its way into my head.