Page 51 of Bleed for Me

Breathing through my clenched teeth, I watch as a man climbs out of the van and tosses Paige over his shoulder. I memorize him so I can ensure he pays in blood for touching my woman.

I bide my time until I see Vanessa exit the building alone. Sensing my moment, I stalk through the trees and slip behind the vehicle. She pauses on the other side and pulls out a cell phone, typing furiously. I quickly survey the area and see there is no one else around.

Silent on my feet, I sneak up behind her. Slapping a hand over her mouth and nose, I snatch the phone from her hands. Startled by my sudden appearance, Vanessa is momentarily frozen in place. It’s only a split second but plenty of time for me to incapacitate her.

With a swift kick, I buckle her knee, my hand covering the wail she releases. I wrap my other arm around her waist, trapping her arms against her body. Adjusting my stance, I lower the injured leg down so her knee rests on the ground. Using the toe of my boot, I nudge her leg out to the side and bring down my foot on her ankle. I relish in the sound of bone snapping and muffled screams.

Fighting the urge to continue my brutalization of her body, I hoist her up, her back to my chest and feet dangling. I stride to my hidden car and throw her on the ground. Now that we are out of earshot, I’m not concerned about noise. Vanessa lays sideways, half propped up on her good leg. I pull out the rope I had stuffed into my jacket pocket and make quick work of tying her up in a similar manner to how they had Paige.

Looking down at her, I feel a moment of satisfaction before the fury seeps back in. Growling, I bend down so I’m eye level with the bitch. “Where is she?” I hiss.

Vanessa blinks up at me until realization hits her. She throws back her head and laughs. I have to clench my fists to avoid punching the smile off her face. She finally stops her laughter and levels me with a look that promises pain. Little does she know, it will be hers.

Holding on to that reminder, I am able to calm down my rage.

I’ll find out what I need. I will save my little bird. Then I can make this waste of space pay.

I remain still and silent, waiting.

Vanessa looks between my eyes, a brief flicker of fear passing her face.Good. “She is long gone by now. You’ll never see that bitch again.” Her voice has a slight tremble but she tries to hide it with a laugh.

Her laughter is cut off as my hand shoots forward and grabs her throat. I close the distance between our faces and spit the words at her between clenched teeth. “For your sake, you better hope you are wrong.” I squeeze my fingers, cutting off her oxygen. She claws uselessly at my hand and I tighten my grip again, feeling the muscles in her neck protesting against the force. I watch as her limbs sag and her eyes rolls back in her head, only releasing her as her lips begin to turn an ashy shade.

I drop my hold and Vanessa’s body slumps lifelessly to the ground. Reaching out, I press two fingers to her neck and confirm she still has a pulse. I push up and make my way to the trunk, pulling out my bag and slipping the syringe from the side pocket. Walking back to her, I inject the clear liquid, ensuring she won’t wake up and attempt anything.

Moving quickly, I hoist her up and toss her into the trunk, shutting it with a soft click. Rounding the car, I open the back door and push down on one of the secret buttons lining the interior door. The seat cushion pops up and I reach inside, grabbing a couple pistols and shoving them into my jeans waistband. Reaching back in, I grab the machete Paige has taken a liking to, along with a long curved knife.

I close up my car and lock the doors before turning and sprinting into the building. Despite Vanessa’s claims, I believe Paige is still inside, I have to.

Hold on baby, I’m coming.

There is a shocking lack of security for what goes on inside. I’ve counted four men so far, all of whom have fallen victim to my assault. Once I make it inside, I recognize the space as an old paper mill that shut down nearly a decade ago. There are several rooms that branch off the main entrance and prove difficult to navigate.

I’m on my way down another hall when I hear muffled voices from a room to my left.

Sneaking up to the door, I press my ear against the wood. The voice is deep with a slight accent that gives me pause, familiarity ringing. I strain my ears and catch two words that confirm I have the right room and the identity of the man who has dared to take what is mine.

“…Miss Greene…”

I back up and lift my foot, kicking against the wood with all the strength I possess. I curse when the door doesn’t give. The bastard must have something blocking it. I back up several steps and run into the door, batting against it with my shoulder. It still doesn’t give and I can feel the desperation building inside.

She’s there. She’s right there. But I still can’t get to her.

I back up farther, bracing myself for the impact as I run and leap. My body lands against the door half a second before I am slammed into from the back. The force of the attack finally causes the door to give way and I catch a glimpse of my raven-haired goddess shrieking and flying through the air at the man pointing a gun at me.

I hear the gun go off and feel a sharp pain hit my body as I fall, face first, into the splintered wood below.

Chapter 27


I collide with the back of Kristoph, causing the gun to fly out of his hand. We fall forward and I start pummeling the back of his head with my fists. Striking again and again. I spare a quick glance up and see Mick lying on the ground, a puddle of blood pooling around his body. There’s something large on his back but my eyes won’t focus enough through the tears. I scream in agonized rage and return to hitting Kristoph with everything in me. His movements to get me off his back stop as I see blood matting his hair.

It’s not enough.

This man just took everything from me. He tookhimfrom me.

A choked sob leaves me and I jump up to my feet, kicking Kristoph over so he’s lying on his back. I leap back onto him and begin punching his face, clawing his eyes, tearing at his hair and clothes. I throw my knees into his ribs, elbow his chest. I inflict as much damage as my exhausted body can manage.