Page 45 of Bleed for Me

I take a shaky breath and give a slight shake of my head, as much as his hands allow. Dropping my gaze, I notice a blotch of red on his shirt and reach out my hand, my fingers resting lightly on the wet stain. I brush my fingertips across his chest, moving around the blood. Lifting my hand to my eyes while rubbing together my fingers, I watch the red liquid work into my skin and whimper.

Mick immediately pulls me into his arms, holding me tight against his chest. “Shh, it’s okay. Shh.” He soothes, rubbing my back.

When I finally speak, my voice is hollow. “I was gonna do it.”

You still would.

I flinch at the truth in the words. No matter how much I want to argue with that annoying voice, I know I can’t.

Mick continues circling my back, pressing a kiss to the top of my head. “I know, baby.”

I shake my head and pull back, looking into his eyes. “No. I was going to kill him. I didn’t even stop to think. If you hadn’t…” My voice trails off as a shudder runs through me. Mick stares back at me, then nods.

His eyes are full of pride and passion as he looks at me. My stomach clenches and I swallow as he begins to speak again. Moving his hand to my throat, he slips his thumb along my jaw. “I know. I’ve seen it. You have the same darkness in you that I do.” He keeps gently rubbing my jaw, murmuring, almost as if he’s lost in thought and I’m not meant to hear his words. “We are made of the same, two pieces of the same soul.” His eyes refocus, his gaze intense. “Iknowyou, Paige. Let me show you who you really are.” I don’t get a chance to respond before he leans forward and takes my mouth. This kiss is different than any that we’ve shared. It is slow and full of passion. I can feel Mick pouring himself into it, begging me to see him, to recognize him as he has recognized me.

I’m frozen, unwilling to acknowledge this connection between us, scared of what it will mean if I do. I sit there, overwhelmed by the feel of him. He pulls back just enough to speak, his lips brushing mine with the words. “Please. Please let me.” He presses our lips together again, sticking out his tongue to lick mine. He doesn’t force them apart, instead he waits for my invitation.

I hear his words ringing in my ears and the sound fills me, stretching out to all the empty spaces of my being.

“I know you, Paige.”

I open my lips, my heart, my soul.

I open and let him in.

Chapter 23


2 months later

My phone vibrates in my back pocket and I push back my smile. The man in front of me continues to ask endless questions. I’m beginning to wonder if he’s ever going to order anything. My foot taps as my patience wears thin and I glance at the clock again.

Twenty minutes. I can do this for twenty more minutes.

I’ve been giving myself the same pep talk for the last hour as time crawls at a snail's pace. I’m anxious to leave work. I have big plans tonight and I'm buzzing in anticipation.

The customer draws my attention back as he finally orders a small black coffee. I grip the pen in my hand and plaster on a fake smile and write down his order. I’m tempted to shove the pen somewhere but decide now isn’t the time. I take his money, give him his change, and make quick work of pouring his drink.

Since he was the last customer in line, I dart back to the storage area and pull out my phone to check the message.


You ready for tonight, baby?


Yes! I am nervous though *nervous face emoji*


Don’t be, you’ll do great

I don’t reply, opting to heart react to his message instead.

It's going to be my first time doing this alone, not that I really believe Mick will let me do it by myself. If it wasn’t just for his obsessive need to protect me, he’d still demand to be there because he gets off on this shit. My face heats as I remember just how worked up he got the last time. I had bruises for a week from the intensity of his passion.

Schooling my face, I head back to Brandi’s office to let her know I’m taking off. I knock on the door softly and wait. “Come in.” I hear her call through the door. I push into the room and give her a smile. “Oh, hey Paige. Heading out for the day?”