Page 4 of Bleed for Me

“Let me speak,”Oh no, here it comes.“To your manager.” She stares at me, daring me to argue. I won’t, not now.

Instead I force a smile on my face and spit out between my teeth, “Of course, let me get her.” Turning on my heel, I practically run to the back room.

Why can’t this day end?

“Hey Brandi?” I call out, looking around the storage room briefly but not seeing my manager anywhere. Sighing, I turn and head toward the office in the corner. I already know she’s going to be annoyed, there’s at least one of these every week and the girl does not get paid enough to deal with this. “Brandi?” I call again as I softly knock on the door.

“Yeah? Come on in.” Pushing the door open, I cautiously step inside. “What’s up Paige?” Glancing up, she takes in my expression and hunched shoulders, letting out a dramatic sigh. “Seriously? Another one?”

“Sorry, B. The Karens just won’t stay away.” I try to smile at my weak attempt at a joke but I just don’t have it in me anymore. Today has officially beat me. I must have had a bank of bad karma that all got shoved my way in the last twelve hours, that’s the only explanation I can think of to describe the hell I’ve had to endure.

Releasing another loud sigh, Brandi pushes back from her desk and stands up. “I wish we could have one of those boards with mugshots and ban customers for life. I’m so sick of all these cunts thinking they’re winning at life by harassing my employees.” She looks over at me and I can see the side of her mouth lift up into a smirk. “Maybe one day they’ll get what’s coming to them. Can’t be worth all the bad juju over a $6 cup of coffee.” I snort which brings a full smile to her face. “Alright, let’s go take care of this. What’s the rundown?” Rolling my eyes, I fill her in as we make our way back to the front counter. Seeing the line forming again at the register I shoot Brandi another apologetic look and make my way over to take more orders.

I’ve made my way through about half the line before Brandi passes behind me to the other register and starts typing in the info to issue a refund. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes again, I look up and smile at the person stepping up to the counter. As my eyes lift up, I suck in a sharp breath.

Standing before me is the most beautiful man I have ever seen. Sure, men aren’t usually described as beautiful but he isgorgeous. As if a Greek god statue came to life. His short blonde hair hangs in loose curls around his temple, striking steel blue eyes, a sharp jawline lined with stubble that’s darker than his hair by a few shades. His gaze is intense, a darkness hidden behind his eyes that seems to bleed out around the corners.

Resisting the urge to look at the rest of him, I swallow and force my throat to work as I blurt out, “Hello, um, what do you want? I mean, do you know what you’d like to drink?”

Oh god, you sound like an idiot. Come on Paige, be professional.

I force another smile on my face, feeling the awkward tension in my cheeks.

Greek god man smirks down at me, a twinkle of humor in his eyes. “I know what I want.”

Ohmygod, why did that sound so dirty? I hope it’s me he wants. Stop it, Paige. No you don’t.

My smile strains as I wait for him to continue, not trusting myself to say anything. He stares at me for a long heartbeat before leaning forward, glancing down then back up to meet my eyes. “An Americano please, Paige.”

“How…how do you know my name?” I breathe, eyes widening.

He licks his lips before answering, eyes alight with some emotion I can’t quite place. He nods toward my chest and I feel my cheeks heat instantly. “Your name tag.” He replies in a hushed tone. My face flames even more.

Of course, my freaking name tag.

If I could, I would smack myself in the face.

Gah, why did this happen today of all days? I am so not on my game.

Not that Ihavegame, but still, it’s even worse today.

“Oh right, yeah. Um, one Americano coming right up!” I punch in the order a little more aggressively than necessary and am about to tell him the total when I see he’s already holding out a $20 bill.

“You can keep the change.” After I take the money from his hand, he turns to head off.

“Wait!” I call out. “What name for the order?”

Looking over his shoulder, his eyes rake over me slowly before landing on my face. Appearing to debate with himself for a moment before answering, he finally simply says, “Mick.”

“Mick.” I whisper, then louder reply, “Okay, thanks, we’ll have it right up for you Mick.”

And just like that, I’ve decided I need a vacation. And to get laid. Badly.


I sigh heavily, my shoulders slumped in exhaustion, and lock the door. The last few hours of my shift were even more stressful. All I could think about was that mystery man.
