Page 1 of Bleed for Me



I always knew that I was different than other people. Something in me just didn’t connect with others. A darkness filled my soul. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon my little obsession that I began to feel. To reallyfeelsomething. Like a blacklight being dragged over the expansive dark and showing the hidden stains tucked away from view.


That was what I craved.

It wasn’t intentional, my first kill. But I suppose most aren’t. It really was just a slip of the hand, perhaps a poor choice of wording.

I had been walking toward the market downtown when some idiot bumped into me, obviously intoxicated on a several years long bender. There, inside his eyes, reflected the same emptiness in mine. Yet, it was artificial. A dulling of the senses by opioids and alcohol.

I had turned my nose up at him and tried not to inhale so as to avoid the reek of body odor and piss. Turning away, I made my way further down the street. My mind full as I ran over the list in my head again.

Bread, tomatoes, cereal, milk…

I am abruptly interrupted again by the same asshole. This time, rather than shuffling to the side, he looked me up and down in his drunken stupor.

“Hey man,” He hiccuped. “You look like yous got some extra cash. I needs s-some money.” He slurred, eyes drooping and popping back open with each word. Struggling against the effects on his body, he swayed on his feet.

Rolling my eyes, I shoved past him. “Piss off junkie.” I growled, starting toward my destination once more.

“Hey!” Ignoring the shout, I picked up my pace. “Motherfucker! I said give me your m-mo-money.”

I felt the tip of a blade poke into my spine. Halting my steps, I slowly turned around, the blade gliding along my side. The sharp metal resting on my stomach once I was fully facing the man. Apparently he was still able to hold a weapon steady, even while barely keeping himself upright.

Maybe he’s ex-military or something. Fucking VA, you’d think they would take better care of their members.

With a sigh, I lifted one arm into the air and reached around for my wallet with the other. Keeping my eyes level with his glassy ones, I pulled my wallet around and opened it.

“I think I might have a few dollars but I really don’t carry cash on me.”

Honestly, who does anymore? We live in a paperless world, all our transactions traceable. Financial ruin just a few clicks on a keyboard away.

“You can have what I’ve got in here but you have to put away the fucking knife first. I don’t respond well to threats, especially not from strung out assholes.” I gritted out, awkwardly rifling through my wallet one-handed.

He glared at me and shuffled his feet, clearly debating my demand. His eyes darted back and forth between my hands and face. Finally, shaking his head, he slurred, “Naw. Money first. Hurry up or Imma have to stab you & take it anyway.”

A fuzzy haze began to cloud the corners of my vision.

This degenerate is really pushing his luck.

I made to reach for the cash nestled in my wallet but at the last second twisted my wrist and grabbed onto the hand holding the knife against me. “I said. Drop. The. Knife.” I hissed, rage overwhelming my thoughts.

The motherfucker laughed. It was a grating, slightly hysterical, sound. The movement caused his arm to shake, pushing the knife further into my clothes. Twisting my wrist while shoving him back with my other arm, I attempted to break his hold on the blade. Instead, I only succeeded in making him stumble further. I quickly released my hold and watched as he tumbled. Tripping over his feet he fell forward, letting out a soft groan that turned into a loud screech as he landed on his hand holding the weapon. Red liquid seeped out from under his body as he sobbed.

I stared, motionless, at the blood forming a small puddle.


Something clicked in me. An instantaneous shift. I felt my world tilt as it found a new center point to rotate. A new purpose. This is what I needed, I suddenly needed it like I needed air.

Finally snapping from my stupor, I quickly dropped to my knees next to the man. I shoved harshly on his shoulder, eliciting a pained groan as he rolled onto his back, the blade sticking out of his chest. It looked to have missed his heart but had sunken deep into his flesh. No doubt a result of his hindered reaction time due to the drugs pumping through his system.

I raised my eyes to meet his, relishing in the pain I saw there. And, like the moment I saw his blood pooling underneath him, this moment felt just as monumental. A small grin started to form as I watched him try to shrink away in fear. Something on my face must have shown the desire in me. Perhaps the darkness had finally taken over my form and I was now just as much the monster on the outside as within. “Well, this has certainly taken a turn, has it not?” My grin grew as I watched the horror fill his glassy eyes. “If only you had put away that damn knife.” I tsked, slowly shaking my head. “Suppose there isn’t much else to do about that now though.”

“P-please” He whispered, pain laced through his stuttered word.