Body type: Large.

Facial features: Hint of a beard.

Personality: Blood-thirsty.

Background: Was part of Cas’s original crew from the time at the Red Pearl. Killed Rylan and tried to grab Poppy in the process. Loses his left hand to Cas’s ire. Tries to take out Poppy in the dungeon. Staked to the wall by Casteel but left alive. Eventually killed by Cas when he removes the bodies from the wall.


Facial features: Onyx-hued skin.

Other: Appears a decade older than Poppy.

Personality: Stoic and slightly distrustful.

Background: Injured during Ascended attack and lets Poppy take his pain so he can heal. Lost someone a long time ago. Killed by the Ascended—one of the heads slung in Spessa’s End.


[See Kieran’s file for additional information]

Hair: Dark and trimmed close to the skull.

Eyes: Striking pale blue like a winter sky.

Body type: Lean.

Facial features: Warm beige skin. Sharply angled face. Goes from coldly handsome to strikingly attractive when he smiles.

Distinguishing features: Slight accent. Faded claw marks across his chest. A healed puncture wound near his waist.

Preternatural appearance: Fawn/sand/tawny-colored fur. Slight foresight—has feelings that tend to come true. Nearly as tall as a man, even on all fours.

Other: Fine dusting of hair on his chest. Over two hundred years old. Imprint is like cedar: rich, earthy, and woodsy. Blood smells like the woods, earthy and rich.

Personality: Snarky and sarcastic. A bit anal. Not the hugging type. Not modest. About as transparent as a brick wall. Go-to expression is bored with a hint of amusement.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Moves with the grace of a dancer when he fights. Often sleeps in wolven form and kicks in his sleep but sleeps deepest as the sun rises. Loves biscuits…well, food of all types. Doesn’t like crowded cities. Excellent at making alcoholic drinks. His loyalty to his family and those he loves goes beyond any bond, including the Primal notam.

Background: Bonded to Casteel since birth. Lost a great love—Elashya—who was born with a wasting disease.

Family: Mother = Kirha Contou. Fater = Jasper Contou. Sisters = Vonetta, and a new baby sister, name unknown as yet. Aunt = Beryn.


[See Jasper and Kirha’s file for additional information]

Hair: Cornrows – narrow rows of small, tight braids.

Eyes: Wintery blue.

Facial features: Skin the color of night-blooming roses. Broad cheekbones. Full mouth.

Other: Sometimes has a way of knowing things like her husband and son.

Personality: Warm and maternal.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Likes to knit. Has a green thumb. Really hard sleeper.