Court: Originally, the Triton Isles

Hair: Dark. Cropped short.

Eyes: Silver in Blood and Ash timeline.

Facial features: Rich brown skin.

Body type: Broad shoulders and chest.

Personality: Impetuous.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Uncomfortable with hugs. Often speaks before thinking.

Preternatural description: In Blood and Ash timeline, he is said to oversee deity and Atlantian afterlives and have the powers of death.

Background: Left the Triton Isles after Phanos destroyed Phythe. Nyktos found him in Dalos awaiting sentencing for defection shortly after Eythos was killed. His soul was taken with his cousin’s, saving him from punishment.

Other: Slumbers in Stygian Bay.

Family: Cousin = Saion.


Rhahar isn’t a prominent feature in my visions—or in my research, truth be told. I don’t even know what he represents in present days, even though it’s clear from depictions that he became an important figure since he appears with others such as Saion, Aios, and more. His Temple is located in the foothills of the Undying Hills, and he is often depicted in artwork and literature with Ione.

As for his history…

Rhahar arrives at the House of Haides with Bele after Nyktos brings Sera to the Shadowlands. He’s impressed that she is a fighter and admits that Saion told him what Sera did with the whip and Tavius.

When Gemma gets hurt, he brings her to the palace and sends Orphine to get Kye, the Healer. Inquiries arise, and Rhahar confirms that Shades attacked Gemma. He goes to get Nyktos to tell him what happened, thus missing the miracle that is Sera restoring Gemma’s life.

Later, in the war room, Rhahar stares openly at Sera, not hiding his curiosity or wariness. During discussions, he wonders aloud if mortals would be so afraid of death if they viewed it as a beginning, not an end. When they discuss Kolis, Eythos, and the embers, he says there’s more to Eythos’s actions than giving life a chance.

The battle with the dakkais commences, and Rhahar is sent to retrieve Odin for Nyktos before joining him, Saion, and Rhain as they ride into the fight. He engages the dakkais as they advance toward homes, crouched on horseback and firing arrows.

When the Arae arrives, Rhahar waits outside the throne room with Nektas, Reaver, Ector, Ward, and Penellaphe.

Rhahar interrupts Sera and Nyktos in the Primal’s office to let him know there is trouble at the Pillars. He then accompanies Nyktos to deal with that.

Rhahar witnesses Nyktos telling everyone that Sera tried to go after Kolis on her own and that her bravery is unmatched among them. Like the others, he draws his sword and bows, saying he will endeavor to be deserving of such an honor.

As the time for the couple’s meeting with Kolis approaches, Rhahar finds the idea of Sera playing nice with Kolis amusing and tells her that she can’t threaten Kolis like she did with Attes.

Before the coronation, he remarks that Sera’s gown looks like starlight. After the ceremony, Rhahar stands by Nyktos’s side as the couple meets with the revelers.

When the dakkais infiltrate Lethe, Rhahar fights them with Bele. As he attempts to return to the House of Haides, he joins the others in the courtyard just after Sera’s outburst and swears when he sees there’s no safe path to the palace.

Bleeding from a wound on his face, he and Saion go to help Nyktos as the dakkais swarm him.

That’s about all I know when it comes to Rhahar. I’m actually a bit anxious to find out more. I would like to know which Primal’s seat he assumes—if he does. Given that most of the gods of present times have taken the titles of the Primals of yore, it stands to reason. But one never knows.


God of Common Men and Endings (in Blood and Ash timeline)

Court: The Callasta Isles to The Shadowlands

Hair: Golden red.