Background: Co-rules Vathi with his brother, Attes. Kyn’s guards were taking young ones years out from their Culling to their encampments, so Attes killed them.

Other: Gods in Kyn’s Court are a bunch of assholes—taking after their Primal. Crown is a helm of reddish black stone.

Family: Brother = Attes, Primal God of War and Accord.


Kyn arrives in Dalos before the others, already deep in his cups, and Attes quickly shoves him into a chair before he falls on his face.

The Primal of Life asks if Kyn has what Kolis asked him to bring, and Kyn moves to the hall to retrieve a young draken. Sera asks Kyn what Thad did to deserve being killed, and Kyn can only answer with the truth: “Nothing.” Kolis then orders Sera to take the innocent draken’s life, and he is struck down. Kyn folds his hands over his eyes during the act, unable to watch, but then glares at Sera with burning hatred afterward. Later, he heads off to find some whiskey before undertaking the task of burning the draken’s body.

Kyn attends the coronation with Hanan, both of them highly intoxicated. He and the Primal of the Hunt and Divine Justice are the only two who do not approach the new couple, showing utter disrespect.

Eventually, Kyn heads to the Shadowlands looking for Nyktos and Sera, ultimately killing both Aios and Ector.

Once his brother takes Sera to Kolis, Kyn shows up at court in Dalos and gloats about Sera’s captivity. He fights his attraction to her but is eased a bit when Kolis offers Sera up as a reward for his loyalty if she turns out to be lying about who she is.

He brings news about the Shadowlands’ forces and offers to take them out. Kolis doesn’t give him express permission, but he makes it known that he’s at his disposal should he change his mind.

When Kolis calls him in to punish Veses for her failure, he gladly accepts. It speaks to his sadistic side, and he will never refuse an opportunity to let it out to play. He only wishes Ione hadn’t told Kolis that Sera was Sotoria. If he hadn’t, he might have had his chance to play with her, as well.

Still, he’s holding out hope that the truth will come to light, because he doesn’t, for one minute, believe that she is who she claims to be.


Primal God of the Hunt and Divine Justice

Court: Sirta

Click here to see a full-size image of Hanan’s crown by Creatively Agnes.

Hair: Dark.

Body type: Tall.

Facial features: Pale. Sharp and angular—beautiful in a cunning, predatory way.

Distinguishing features: Silver cuff on biceps. Deep, gruff voice.

Personality: Combative. Contrary.

Other: Appears to be in his thirties. Follower of Kolis. Wears a crown of ruby antlers.


As the Primal of the Hunt and Divine Justice, Hanan rules the Court of Sirta with his gods but follows the ways of Kolis. He has a small army of Cimmerian at his disposal, which he isn’t afraid to employ against the Shadowlands. At one point, he sends upwards of one hundred of them.

When Hanan meets Seraphena, he calls her “a diamond that will inevitably be shattered into tiny pieces.” Nyktos takes offense and threatens to break every bone in his body and bury him so deep in the Abyss it’ll take him a hundred years to claw himself out if he so much as looks or speaks to her again. Not afraid, he challenges and tells Nyktos that he knows Bele Ascended. Nyktos says that no one in his Court can Ascend a god and taunts Hanan about doubting Kolis. Still, Hanan questions Nyktos’s explanation because he doesn’t believe that Kolis would Ascend someone in the Shadowlands for no reason and then just leave.

Later, when everyone is together, he speaks up without permission, and Kolis reprimands and scolds him, telling him to leave his sight and not return until summoned.

At the coronation, Hanan joins Kyn in a little too much drink and disrespects Nyktos again by not approaching the new couple.

Later, Hanan comes to back up Kolis in Dalos when Nyktos busts in trying to save his Consort. Unfortunately, he doesn’t succeed, and Nyktos kills him, ripping out his heart and taking off his head.

His title transfers to Bele.