During court later, he tells Kolis they need to talk, and Kolis promises to do just that as soon as he returns Sera to her chambers.


Primal God of Love, Beauty, and Fertility

Court: Kithreia

Click here to see a full-size image of Maia’s crown by Creatively Agnes.

Hair: Warm blond that cascades down her back in thick curls.

Eyes: Silver.

Body type: Full-figured.

Facial features: Yellow-brown skin. Stunning.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Her every move and mannerism carry an air of softness, and a hint of spice.

Other: Pearl crown of roses and scalloped shells.

Background: Removed Nyktos’s kardia upon request.


Attends the coronation with the other Primals.


Primal Goddess of Rebirth

Court: Thyia Plains

Click here to see a full-size image of Keella’s crown by Creatively Agnes.

Hair: Curly. Russet-colored.

Eyes: Silver.

Body type: Regal bearing.

Facial features: Smoky, reddish brown skin.

Personality: Welcoming yet reserved. Believes in right, wrong, and balance.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: When a babe dies, she captures their souls and gives them a rebirth. Sees those she saves as her children and often follows them throughout their lives. Doesn’t always believe things attributed to the Arae.

Other: Nearly as old as Kolis. Can see the souls of all those she captures. Wears a pale blue quartz crown of many branches and leaves.

Background: Was involved in Sotoria’s rebirth and hiding her soul from Kolis.


Keella attends the coronation like the other Primals. When the benada, the imprimen—the imprint—appears, she smiles at Sera and presses her hand to her chest.

After, she says something to Nektas. He nudges her arm, and she strokes his cheek.

When Nyktos announces Sera as the One who is born of Blood and Ash, the Light and the Fire, and the Brightest Moon, Keella asks him about it and says that perhaps it is another blessing. As she inquires about its inspiration with an edge to her voice—not anger…something else, she says it’s beautiful and gives the couple an old, knowing, clever smile.