Consort to the Primal of Death / The Primal of Life

Court: The Shadowlands

Click here to see a full-size image of Sera by Alicia MB Art.

Click here to see a full-size image of Sera’s crown by Creatively Agnes.

Oh, dear Sera. She has a fire I envy and a past I condole. Promised to another over two hundred years before she was even born, her future was never hers. Used as a tool, a pawn in a bid to right a wrong, she was stripped of her rightful honors and forced to commit unspeakable acts. Thankfully, things worked out for her—at least mostly—but it certainly wasn’t an easy road.

Because I have no firsthand knowledge of the Consort, my files on her are extensive. I wasn’t sure what someone would find important, so I detailed most everything I saw. She and Ash also fascinate me, so I found I wanted to record as much as possible.

Hair: Pale blond. Curly. Down to her waist/hips.

Eyes: Deep forest-green that become silver with Ascension. Tilted at the corners.

Body Type: Tall. Voluptuous.

Facial features: Stubborn chin.

Distinguishing features: Crescent moon birthmark above left shoulder blade—unseen by mortals but sometimes felt. Thirty-six freckles on her face. Twelve on her back. A constellation of birthmarks on her thigh. Golden Consort imprint on her right hand. Right-handed—wears her dagger on her right hip.

Preternatural features/abilities: Can sense emotions. Can sense death. While healing/reviving, glow erupts under the skin and seeps from hands. Power sometimes comes with the scent of fresh lilacs. Can use compulsion on Primals. Can turn into a silvery-white cave cat with green eyes spliced with silver.

Personality: Impetuous. Brave. Stubborn. Contrary. Curious. Impulsive. Reckless.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Afraid of snakes. Suffers from severe anxiety. Trained with weapons. Trained as an escort. Not good at remembering voices. Can’t swim. Walks when she can’t sleep. Rambles when she’s nervous. Likes to read. Extraordinarily good at not remaining unseen. Can hold breath underwater for ~two minutes. Holds breath to get anxiety under control.

Other: Twenty years old. Winter birthday. Full Consort title = The One who is born of Blood and Ash, the Light and the Fire, and the Brightest Moon. Before Kolis kidnapped her, she had killed twenty-two individuals with her hands.

Background: Promised as a Consort two hundred years before she was born. Attempted to take her life.

Family: Mother = Queen Calliphe. Father = Lamont †. Ancestor = Roderick Mierel †. Stepsister = Ezmeria “Ezra.” Stepbrother = Tavius †. Stepfather = Ernald †. Shared soul = Sotoria †.


At six summers, Sera discovered her gift. A beloved barn cat, Butters, died, and Sera and Ezra found him. Sera brought him back to life without even trying. Unfortunately, her stepbrother Tavius saw and reported it to the Queen, making Sera’s life even more difficult.

At age seven, her family left her behind when they went on holiday to their country estate, and she was never allowed to have dinner with them. She wasn’t even allowed a lady’s maid, for fear they’d be a bad influence on her. I find this so very sad, and my heart breaks for her.

At a much too early age, she began training in weapons and hand-to-hand combat, becoming even more skilled than most of the Royal Guard.

At age eleven, she sprained her ankle, and Sir Holland, the knight in charge of her training, bandaged her and gave her more affection than anyone in her family.

Her father died by suicide when she was young—I’m not sure at exactly what age…young enough for her to not really know him at all. It changed her.

In the months leading up to her seventeenth birthday, she trained with the Mistresses of the Jade in sensual warfare, being told that the most dangerous weapon isn’t a violent one.

They are absolutely correct. I’ve been known to use my wiles to get my way, but I was never forced to, and certainly not as a teenager. And especially not for a task I was told I could not fail at like Sera: becoming the Primal of Death’s Consort, making him fall in love with her thus weakening him, only to…end him.

Despite being the daughter of the current Queen and the deceased King of Lasania, Sera has only been recognized as a Royal and a Princess three times in her life. Still, being the Maiden made her a target. There were at least two kidnapping attempts.

At age seventeen, Sera was made to feel naked, exposed, and helpless as she was trussed up and readied to be presented to the Primal of Death. Unfortunately, he rejected her in a very public manner, making her life even harder for the years to come—something he would come to regret deeply later.

Despite the increased hardships and her miserable living situation, Sera found ways to fill her time and feel useful. Ezra started helping the less fortunate in Lasania, and Sera helped her stepsister, stealing excess food from the kitchens and getting her hands on anything else that could potentially help. She also helped the less fortunate in other ways and protected the lost.

At the age of nineteen, Sera started having severe, troublesome, and worrisome headaches. At about that same time, she became sexually active and used it as a way to feel less hollow inside.

Gods, I feel for the poor girl so much. What a dear. Sex should be a celebration of life, not a substitute for the things one needs to survive and thrive. But Sera makes the most of everything that has gone wrong, taking comfort in the ironic twist that failing to become the Primal’s Consort means she’s no longer hidden away and doesn’t have to remain pure.