Physical Description: Wear masks made of human skin.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Hang symbols from trees—brown rope fashioned into a circle or noose with a bone crossing through the center. Like the Royal Crest but instead of a straight line or arrow slanting in toward the center, it’s a bone slanting out. Also create the symbol out of rocks on the forest floor. Supposedly kill and eat anything/one they perceive as a threat. They aren’t just anti-Craven with keeping people out of their territory; they’re anti-everything and everyone. Usually, only attack when hungry. Cannibals—but nobody knows why that is.


Gods, what can I say about the prophecy? It has changed more than I take new bed partners. But then again…has it? What has changed is the interpretation of what was prophesied in the bones of Penellaphe Balfour’s namesake, a God of Divination. And that is still changing even now.

Let’s take a peek at what we know so far, shall we?

From the desperation of golden crowns and born of mortal flesh, a great primal power rises as the heir to the lands and seas, to the skies and all the realms. A shadow in the ember, a light in the flame, to become a fire in the flesh. For the one born of the blood and the ash, the bearer of two crowns, and the bringer of life to mortal, god, and draken. A silver beast with blood seeping from its jaws of fire, bathed in the flames of the brightest moon to ever be birthed, will become one.

When the stars fall from the night, the great mountains crumble into the seas, and old bones raise their swords beside the gods, the false one will be stripped from glory as (NOT UNTIL) the great powers will stumble and fall, some all at once, and they will fall through the fires into a void of nothing. Those left standing will tremble as they kneel, will weaken as they become small, as they become forgotten. For finally, the Primal rises, the giver of blood and the bringer of bone, the Primal of Blood and Ash.

Two born of the same misdeeds, born of the same great and Primal power in the mortal realm. A first daughter, with blood full of fire, fated for the once-promised King. And the second daughter, with blood full of ash and ice, the other half of the future King. Together, they will remake the realms as they usher in the end. And so it will begin with the last Chosen blood spilled, the great conspirator birthed from the flesh and fire of the Primals will awaken as the Harbinger and the Bringer of Death and Destruction to the lands gifted by the gods. Beware, for the end will come from the west to destroy the east and lay waste to all which lies between.

I know, I know, it is a lot. Even I, with some inside knowledge, have not been able to decipher it all. I can tell you what I do quote-unquote know, however. I shall break it down incrementally and tell you what I have deciphered. Please note that while I’m a Seer, I am not a God of Divination. And as events unfold; so, too, does the interpretation and the possible double meanings of some of the prophecy’s stanzas.

From the desperation of golden crowns [the Golden King, King Roderick, to stop the Rot] and born of mortal flesh [King Lamont and Queen Calliphe], a great primal power rises as the heir to the lands and seas, to the skies and all the realms [Seraphena Mierel, the true Primal of Life, the Queen of Gods, carrying the only ember of life, thus the only reason anything still lives/exists]. A shadow in the ember [Nyktos], a light in the flame [Sera], to become a fire in the flesh [the union to eventually become Poppy]. For the one born of the blood and the ash, the bearer of two crowns [Sera], and the bringer of life to mortal, god, and draken [the Primal]. A silver beast with blood seeping from its jaws of fire [Ash], bathed in the flames of the brightest moon to ever be birthed [Sera again], will become one.

When the stars fall from the night [the War of the Primals], the great mountains crumble into the seas, and old bones raise their swords beside the gods [The Consort’s soldiers and draken], the false one will be stripped from glory as [not until!] the great powers will stumble and fall, some all at once, and they will fall through the fires into a void of nothing. Those left standing will tremble as they kneel, will weaken as they become small, as they become forgotten. For finally, the Primal rises, the giver [Sera] of blood and the bringer [Nyktos] of bone, the Primal of Blood and Ash.

Two born of the same misdeeds [the capture of Ires and Jadis—how Isbeth got pregnant], born of the same great and Primal power in the mortal realm [Millicent and Poppy, born of Ires, son of the true Primal of Life and a Primal of Death]. A first daughter [Millicent], with blood full of fire [Revenant with embers in her blood], fated for the once-promised King [Malik’s heartmate]. And the second daughter [Poppy], with blood full of ash and ice [granddaughter of the Asher and…Death—like Ash], the other half of the future King [Casteel’s heartmate]. Together, they will remake the realms as they usher in the end [the Awakening]. And so it will begin with the last Chosen blood spilled [Poppy was the last Chosen, and her blood was spilled—her birth], the great conspirator [Kolis] birthed from the flesh and fire of the Primals will awaken as the Harbinger and the Bringer of Death and Destruction to the lands gifted by the gods. Beware, for the end will come from the west [the mortal realm] to destroy the east [Iliseeum].

**Note to self. Make sure to update these records as pieces become clear or visions manifest.


You know how someone can say something to you, and it strikes you in such a way that you automatically make a mental note? Well, there have been a plethora of those moments as I got glimpses of Poppy, Cas, Sera, and Nyktos over the years—not to mention others. Here are just some that I made sure to notate for my records.


“‘You're an absolutely stunning, murderous little creature.’”

“’Fear and bravery are often one and the same. It either makes you a warrior or a coward. The only difference is the person it resides inside.’”

“’Death is like an old friend who pays a visit, sometimes when it’s least expected and other times when you’re waiting for her. It’s neither the first nor the last time she’ll pay a visit, but that doesn’t make any death less harsh or unforgiving.’”

“‘With my sword and with my life, I vow to keep you safe, Penellaphe. From this moment until the last moment, I am yours.’”

“‘Promise me you won’t forget this, Poppy. That no matter what happens tomorrow, the next day, next week, you won't forget this, forget that this was real.’”

“‘Nothing is ever simple. And when it is, it’s rarely ever worth it.’”

“Some truths do nothing but destroy and decay what they do not obliterate. Truths do not always set one free. Only a fool who has spent their entire life being fed lies believes that.”

“‘The next time you go out, wear better shoes and thicker clothing. Those slippers are likely to be the death of you, and that dress...the death of me.’”

“‘You’re such a bad influence.’”…“‘Only the bad can be influenced, Princess.’”

“‘Bravery and strength do not equal goodness.’”

“‘I’ll say it again. I don’t care what you are. I care about who you are.’”

“Some things, once spoken, were given a life of their own.”

“There was always someone whose pain cut so deeply, was so raw, that their anguish became a palpable entity.”

“Loneliness often brought with it a heavy, coarse blanket of shame, and a cloak constructed of embarrassment.”