A member of the Maiden’s Royal Guard

Died in his sleep

Hawke Flynn

Elemental Atlantian

Casteel’s alter ego

Royal Guard for the Maiden

Ian Balfour †


Poppy’s brother

Cora and Leo’s son

Isbeth has him killed

King Jalara †

Former King of Solis

Ileana/Isbeth’s husband

Killed Preela

Poppy beheads him as a message to Isbeth

Leopold †


Poppy’s foster father

Nobody knows exactly what happened to him, though it’s assumed he returned to Mount Lotho to await rebirth

Lev Barron †



Lost a brother to the fever and another to the Rite

Presumably killed by Duke Teerman

Lieutenant Smyth


Royal Guard

Loves to get on Hawke’s case

Lord Brandole Mazeen †