Viktors are born with a goal: to guard someone the Fates believe is destined to bring about significant change or serve great purpose—even mortals who are bound to do terrible things can have viktors. Some aren’t aware of their duty and just come upon their charges in the right place at the right time, the Fates bringing them together. Others are aware and become ingrained in the lives of the ones they are sent to protect. It is believed there is only ever one viktor per individual to be safeguarded, but we know that’s not entirely true as Poppy had both Leopold and Vikter—though at different times. Viktors cannot reveal themselves or their reasons for being where they are.

They are mostly mortal because they live and serve like mortals. However, their souls return to Mount Lotho—where the Arae reside—when they die. Upon recycling and returning for their next assignment, they do not remember their past lives. Each time they return to Mount Lotho, though, they do remember. However, some are predestined to figure out what they are and who they were sent to protect even after they return to the mortal realm, and some—like Vikter Ward/Wardwell—remember everything.

Okay, I think that is a good compilation of data on the evolution of the Land of the Gods and the mortal realm. As I mentioned, this is ever-changing, but I always try to record things as I can to keep a record of what has happened and the consequences. I may not be an official historian, but I am good for more than just a sexy diary entry—though if you ask Poppy, Cas, or anyone else who has read (and enjoyed) them, they may disagree.


In this section, you will find information on individuals of note in the time of Solis and Atlantia following the War of Two Kings. Everything I have witnessed or seen is captured for the most part; documented in such a way that one can refer to an individual’s dossier and find pertinent details and a timeline of events they were involved in. This is helpful as pulling specific happenings out for each player sometimes brings to light things that didn’t make as much sense previously.

It should be noted, however, that I may have eliminated or combined some things I deemed as low priority, or included things the person using these files may not particularly care about. Regardless, the broader happenings are the important historical facts, and none of the additional things I captured—or didn’t—will change that.

In addition, some individuals have history in both the time of the gods and after the formation of Solis and Atlantia. Therefore, you may find some of them in the FLESH AND FIRE compilation of files if you are looking for them and unable to locate what you need.


The Primal of Life and Death / Blood and Bone

Married name: Queen Penellaphe “Poppy” Da’Neer

Click here to see a full-size image of Poppy by Romanna Boch.

Oh, what can I say about dear Poppy? Barely an adult, yet poised to change the kingdoms forever. She has featured prominently in my visions for some time, but her future, more than most, is mutable.

Hair: The color of ruby-hued wine and falls to the middle of her back.

Eyes: Green like spring grass—turn molten silver after her Culling.

Body type: Slightly shorter than average height and voluptuously curvy.

Facial features: Oval face with angular cheekbones. Full, bow-shaped lips the color of berries. Strong brow. Nose dips at the bridge and slightly turns up at the tip.

Distinguishing features: Some freckles across her nose to her eyes. Pronounced scar that is a jagged streak of pale pink starting at the hairline and slicing across her temple, narrowly missing her left eye before ending at her nose. She has another, shorter scar running across her forehead and through her eyebrow and a scar on her inner thigh, multiple on her right forearm, and some on her stomach—jagged tears. More scars mar her legs—a prominent one on her inner knee—and there’s one on the side of her waist. The healed wound on her thigh is from a Craven bite, not claws.

Other: Her paramour thinks she tastes like honeydew.

Personality: Smart-mouthed, brave. Terrible liar. Kind. Revels in revenge. Not one to wallow in past choices. Impulsive. Reckless with her safety. Stubborn. Competitive. Deflects a lot.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Wrinkles her nose when thinking something she doesn’t want to share. Regularly sneaks out at night. Wears a wolven-bone and bloodstone dagger strapped to her thigh. Suffers from nightmares but usually unable to sleep once the sun is up. Rarely sick and heals fast. Gets seasick. Hates snakes.

Background: Born on an unknown date in April, she chose the twentieth day as her birthday. Was attacked by Craven when she was six, almost killing her and purportedly killing her parents. The Queen of Solis took her in after the attack and cared for her as if she were her own child, telling her that she survived because she had been touched by the gods. Forced to don the veil of the Maiden at age eight.

Family: Initially raised by Coralena † (a Handmaiden, thought to be a Revenant) and Leopold † (a viktor). She is actually the biological daughter of Queen Isbeth † (a demis) and Ires (a god) and descended from Nyktos (a Primal of Death) and his Consort, Seraphena Mierel (the true Primal of Life).

What emotions taste/feel like to her:

AMUSEMENT = sugary

ANGER = hot and acidic but can be icy

ANGUISH = tart and tangy, sometimes almost bitter

APPROVAL = buttery cake

ATTRACTION and AROUSAL = spicy and smoky

CONCERN = too-thick cream

CONDESCENSION = scalds throat and stings eyes