At the coronation, Attes sees Nyktos bow to Sera and remarks that he’s a man who knows his place. He approaches the dais and bows to the couple—he is the only Primal to approach them up to that point—and tells Sera that her crown and imprint suit her. He adds that the imprint was…unexpected.

He reveals that a few dakkais have been sniffing about but left without causing too much trouble, then says they need to make time for the three of them to speak in private. Before he leaves, he says he hopes their union will bless the Shadowlands and beyond and then briefly stops to speak to Nektas.

During the battle later, he comes up to Sera from behind. She swings at him, not knowing it’s him, and he catches her. She thanks him—presumably thinking that he came to her aid—and he says that she shouldn’t thank him yet.

When I saw this, I instantly felt rage. When things unfold more later, I felt a little sorry for him.

He tells Sera that what he’s about to do is the only way and disarms her, then hauls her against him. He says that all they want is her. If she removes the charm, no more blood will be shed, and no more lives will be lost. If she refuses, his brother will leave none but the Primal standing. He reiterates that it’s Sera’s choice, but she needs to make her decision quickly.

Sera makes him promise that no one else will be harmed, and he swears. When she surrenders, he tells her she made the right choice.

Back in Dalos, Attes interrupts Kolis and reminds him that Keella helped Eythos capture Sotoria’s soul to be reborn. He reiterates that Kolis hasn’t been able to find her, even after hunting down every mortal with an aura. He then suggests that maybe he couldn’t find her because she’d been reborn over and over the last few centuries and insinuates that maybe Sera is telling the truth about being Sotoria reincarnated.

When Callum disrespects him, Attes tells the Revenant that he knows how to kill him and will prove it if he speaks to him like that again.

Kolis still seems hesitant to believe what Sera said, so Attes reminds him how clever Eythos was and says that it’s just the kind of thing he’d do to fuck over his twin.

Attes visits Sera in her cage, coming in as his nota form, the silver hawk. He explains himself, and gets her to understand, telling her that he was never really loyal to Kolis. Not after Kolis killed his children.

While he brings Sera news of what’s going on and does what he can to help her, he makes it clear that while she’s important, Sotoria’s soul must be saved since she’s the only thing that can kill Kolis.

Once Ash breaks free and gets to Sera, Attes shows up to assist. He has been working through a god from his Court, Elias, for a while and continues that by lending him Setti to transport Kolis somewhere he won’t easily be found.

He goes to get Keella and witnesses them transfer Eythos’s soul out of The Star, set it free, and then put Sotoria’s in.

Not liking what’s happening to Sera, he makes his opinion known and tells her how he feels about it. And while he still isn’t Nyktos’s favorite person, he at least knows the Primal understands he’s on their side.

And he plans to uphold his promise to Sera to support Nyktos however he needs when she’s gone, as well.

He made a vow. Even if he weren’t duty-bound as a Primal to uphold it, he would.

Won’t he be shocked to find out that Sera Ascended as the new Primal of Life?

Or maybe he won’t.


Primal God of Peace and Vengeance

Court: Vathi

Click here to see a full-size image of Kyn’s crown by Creatively Agnes.

Here is some information about Attes’s evil twin…

Hair: Light, blondish brown.

Eyes: Silver.

Body type: Tall and broad.

Facial features: High cheekbones. Chiseled jaw.

Distinguishing features: Dimples. Silver cuff around biceps.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Extremely fond of the draken. Spends a lot of time in the mountains. Heavy drinker.

Personality: Asshole.