He looks at Sera and sees Sotoria in her, but everything is…amplified. He says he wishes she looked how she used to. It seems to offend Sera, and he doesn’t get it. Once again, he asks what she wants or needs to forgive him.

When she mentions an irregular silver diamond she used to covet, he offers to get it for her. She replies that she doesn’t think Calliphe even has it anymore, so he tells her he has one. When she asks to see it, he can’t deny her. He takes her back to the cage and summons down the cluster at the top, letting it transform into its true form: a silvery diamond shaped like a star.

He tells her that it’s called The Star and says it was created by dragon fire long before the Primals could shed tears of joy. He adds that he came upon it by chance.

She asks why he keeps it hidden, and he says he keeps it with what he cherishes the most. When she asks to hold it, he of course lets her, watching her reaction.

Suddenly, she blurts, “You cried,” and he freaks out. He asks what she saw and rips the diamond away, returning it to its place. His Primal form emerges, and she retaliates with the embers. He reminds her what he warned and tells her that whatever happens next is on her.

He traps her, but she takes control, dismantling the cage and chamber around them. Then she attacks him. He tells her to stop, but she throws the words from her vision back at him.

He realizes she saw his brother’s last moments. When she moves to stab him with a bone, he doesn’t even fight her. After, she gets in close and tells him she wants him to remember that she wants nothing more than to kill him. Then, she stabs him again and again, leaving him weakened and falling into stasis.


Click here to see the Primal of Life throne by Creatively Agnes full size.



Click here to see a full-size image of Sotoria by Art by Steffani.

Here are some details about Callum’s sister and the false King of Gods’ obsession (I hate referring to her as such. She’s a mortal. A woman—a beautiful one. One with a tragic history)…

Hair: The color of ruby-hued wine and falls to the middle of her back.

Eyes: Green like spring grass.

Body type: Slightly shorter than average height and voluptuously curvy.

Facial features: Oval face with angular cheekbones. Full, bow-shaped lips the color of berries. Strong brow. Some freckles across her nose to her eyes. Cute nose.

Personality: Timid but a fighter. Kind. Fierce. Stood up for her brother.

Background: Died by falling off a cliff while picking flowers for her sister’s wedding and getting scared by Kolis. Was brought back to life and kept as a prisoner. Died again, but had her soul marked so she’d constantly be reborn. Ends up sharing a soul with Seraphena and then being transferred to the Star diamond. Is finally reincarnated—I believe Poppy is Sotoria reborn but I have not received confirmation of that as yet.

Family: Brother = Callum. Sister = Anthea †.


Poor Sotoria has had a rough journey. First, Kolis sees her and instantly becomes infatuated. When he reveals himself to her, it scares her enough that she falls from the Cliffs of Sorrow while picking flowers for Anthea’s wedding.

She enters the Vale and is fine, until Kolis rips her from there and brings her back to life. But she doesn’t come back the same. She’s morose and resentful. Not to mention she’s kept in a cage.

She eventually dies again—exact cause unknown, though there’s a rumor that Eythos killed her—and Eythos and Keella take measures to ensure she can’t be ripped out of the Vale again. They mark her soul, making it so she’ll be reborn over and over.

Eythos takes additional measures by placing her soul in Seraphena. But she’s not reborn as Sera, they share Sera’s body.

Inside Sera, she becomes enraged at the sight of Kolis in Dalos and the price he forces Sera to pay—the young draken’s death. Her fury fills Sera.

When Sera is captured and brought back to Dalos, Sotoria’s anger and panic fill Sera—it’s a reminder of what she endured.

As Sera is held in Dalos, Sotoria emerges several times, letting Sera feel her pain and fear and panic. She also lets loose her anger and fury at times when the embers rise within Sera.

Once Sera escapes, Sotoria feels herself being removed from Sera and questions the Primal, Keella, if she will be okay. Once she’s reassured, she lets go, letting herself be transferred into the Star diamond.

But on her way out, she tells Sera they’ll meet again.