Veses and Kolis talk some more, and Kolis goads Veses, thoroughly enjoying himself. She’s just so easy to manipulate. He insinuates that Veses would do anything he asked of her, she agrees, and he can see the distaste on Sera’s face.

Good, Sotoria doesn’t like the idea of him being with another.

He’s delusional…

Veses asks Sera why she’s there, saying she thought she was the Shadowlands’ Consort. Kolis tells her she’s wrong and says he never gave permission. Veses then assumes that Sera’s presence must be punishment, and he corrects her. Veses says she could find something less crushing for Kolis to use to warm his lap if that’s what’s going on, and it pisses him off. He orders the Primal goddess to apologize and tells Veses she’s speaking to his graeca. She says it’s impossible and must be a lie, but he insists he had it confirmed.

When Kolis orders her to apologize again, Veses does, but not happily. Then she tells him she’s happy for him.

He doesn’t believe that for a minute.

Before she leaves, Kolis summons her back and says that she still disappointed him and must be punished. He calls Kyn over, and watches in amusement as he begins carrying out the punishment.

Sera tries to stop it, and Kolis asks her what she’s doing. She says that what he’s doing isn’t right and asks him to stop. He pushes back, and she tells him it’s the right thing to do. Furious, he rises and tells her they’re returning to her quarters. Before they leave, Phanos tells Kolis he needs to talk to him. He says he’ll be right back.

They return to the cage, and Kolis chastises Sera, reminding her that he told her not to question him or use the embers, yet she did both. He details what he’s done for her and says she isn’t appreciative. He tells her that he wanted to show her what he’s risking for her and orders her to obey her King.

Weeping, he chains her, saying he wants to hate her for making him do this to her, but he can only love her. When she acts as if she doesn’t believe him, he tells her she’s still alive. Nobody else who questioned him would be. And that’s proof of his love.

After court, Kolis reenters and releases the shackles. Sera cries out and sags into his arms. He apologizes.

The Chosen bring in stuff for a bath, and Kolis tells her to bathe, rest, and all will be well.

After Sera wakes, he comes back and tells her she looks lovely. She apologizes, and it shocks Kolis, but he tells her he understands.

He asks her to walk with him and has Callum and Elias trail along after them. He takes her into a side chamber and calls for Iason and Dyses, who bring in a Chosen named Jove.

She tells him he doesn’t have to prove anything, and he insists he must show her what he can do. She tries to talk him out of it, and he simply instructs the Chosen to unveil himself. Kolis asks Jove how he is and tells him he’ll be blessed.

Jove replies that it’s an honor. Sera tries again to stop Kolis, and he tells her she’s always had a kind heart.

He insists she needs to know why it’s so important. Balance is necessary.

She asks if he can at least make it so it doesn’t hurt and he thinks that’s easy enough. Instead, he makes sure Jove finds pleasure.

As the steps are completed, Kolis explains the process of what he’s doing and calls Elias over to give Jove his blood. He tells her that without the embers of life, the Chosen become the Ascended, but he’s been working on the drawbacks, like their sun intolerance and bloodlust.

Sera wonders what happens if they can’t control their hunger, and he says they’re put down. He adds that gluttonous gods were killed under Eythos’s rule, as well, and he was used as the weapon to do it.

He talks about the creation of life and how he cares. She asks about the difference between the Ascended and the Craven, and he explains that the Craven are dead, then elaborates.

He assures her that the newly made Ascended are watched. The one she encountered would have been, too, if she hadn’t tried to escape and pulled the guards from their posts.

She asks what happens if an Ascended chooses not to feed, and he tells her they will weaken, their bodies eventually giving out. They discuss how everything created or born has the potential to become a murderer.

He tells her the Primal of Death is supposed to remain distant from anyone they may have to judge—all but the other Primals and the draken. He complains that it wasn’t that way for the Primal of Life and goes on to say that it made sense to the Arae, and it all comes back to the balance established when the Ancients created the realms.

Sera chimes in that she thought Eythos created them. Kolis tells her that he created some but not the realms. The Ancients were not the first Primals, nor can any Primal become an Ancient. He tells her there must always be a true Primal of Life and a true Primal of Death.

Later, Kolis suggests another walk, and Sera asks him where Callum is. He tells her that he sent him away to handle something important. She asks about the Revs, wanting to know if they need things like friendship, love, and sex. He tells her they don’t, just like they don’t need food or blood. They are only driven by their desire to serve their creator.

She says she can’t imagine not wanting anything, and he counters that he thinks it would be freeing.

She goes back to the subject of Callum and says he’s different. Kolis acknowledges and reveals that the Revenant is full of wants and needs. He tells Elias to stay back when they reach the stairs and moves with Sera to them. He says he was once told that motivation plays a role in the creation. For example, feeling means becoming. He says he’s not so sure because he tried with others, and it never worked.

He takes her high to look over the City of the Gods. She asks him about the Fates clearing the city, and he tells her they do whatever they like. Especially when someone upsets the balance.

He tells her he gave the gods in Dalos a choice. They could serve him as the Primal of Life or die. He killed half. It displeased the Fates, so they wiped out the rest. He admits he could have probably acted a little less rashly.