He is not amused.

She starts to run, but he stops her. They fight some more, and he hits her, then immediately feels bad about it. She mouths off and he tells her he never wanted to be a villain. He blames his brother for that. She asks him if there’s anything he doesn’t blame Eythos for.

He tells her not to push him and calls her so’lis. To keep her in line, he threatens Nyktos. She insists she doesn’t care, but he doesn’t believe her and tells her as much. Upset, he grabs her by the throat, not even realizing what he’s doing until she points out that he’s killing her. Again.

He tells her they’re going home and then compels her.

After Sera attempts to escape, he goes to see her and asks what she and Callum were discussing. Callum tells him they were talking about Antonis, who Kolis found out turned Craven. He tells Sera that they’re an unfortunate side effect of creating the Ascended.

Sera points out the differences between him Ascending the Chosen and his brother, and it angers him. He tells Callum to leave and asks Sera if she’s been resting. He orders her to have a drink.

When Sera asks about Nyktos, he wants to know why. She tells him it’s merely curiosity. Then she asks about the armies. He tells her they haven’t left the Dalos border and are still in the Bonelands to the south along the coast beyond the Carcers.

She asks him why he hasn’t forced them out, and he tells her about how the mortals are becoming complacent. He says he plans to take a more active role when he’s the Primal of Life and Death.

I’ll just bet he does…

She then asks if him taking her will cause issues, and he tells her only if the other Primals think him taking her is worth going to war over.

He asks about her relationship with Nyktos and listens with anger as she answers. She tells him that Nyktos only wanted the embers, not her, and never knew what Eythos did. He thinks she’s lying.

Not able to help himself, he asks her if she’s fucked Nyktos. She tells him they are attracted to each other, so…yes. He tells her that someone doesn’t go to war or kill for someone they’re just attracted to. She argues that people kill all the time for all sorts of reasons. His rebuttal is that Primals don’t.

He informs her that his nephew is in stasis and watches her reaction. When she asks why he didn’t go to ground sooner, he explains that the earth can’t get through the shadowstone in the chamber.

Sera tells him Nyktos had his kardia removed, and he says he believes it—it sounds like something Nyktos would do to stop Kolis from using those he loves against his nephew. Especially since he never wanted to end up like Kolis.

When Sera starts to glow and taps into the embers, it angers him and he tells her to calm herself. He orders her to sit and tells her he doesn’t believe what she said about her feelings. He insists that the marriage imprint is proof that there’s love. She explains the difference between loving someone and being in love with them, and he admits he loves Sotoria. Says he’s in love with her.

She asks him to prove it by letting Nyktos go. He says her demand proves that she loves his nephew, and she argues that it would prove that Kolis would do anything for her. He lists for her what he’s already done, but she tells him that’s the bare minimum needed to show someone you love them.

Kolis asks her why she would be interested in falling in love, and she tells him that she’s never known it and wants to.

He asks her if she thinks he’s a fool and reminds her that she tried to kill him. She tells him that she stabbed Nyktos, too, which surprises him. He asks her what will change if he releases Nyktos, and she tells him that she will submit to him. He warns her that if she’s lying, he’ll own her soul in both life and in death.

Kolis has her made what he deems presentable so he can hold court in her chambers. As the gods come in, he notices how they look at her and decides to play with them a bit. When Uros looks a little too hard and long, Kolis tells the god that he offended him and implodes him. Feeling uptight, he excuses himself for a bit.

When he returns, Kyn shows. He asks if the Primal brought news. Kyn tells him that he spoke to one of the Shadowlands’ commanders and says they’re unwilling to stand down. They talk about how the forces are separated and discuss what to do about it. Kyn says something needs to be done, and Kolis asks him if he has suggestions. The Primal asks if he can take his forces and attack those to the east. Kolis warns him that they’ll all die. Nektas is there. Kyn asks if he can finish what he started then and take the Shadowlands while the strongest are away.

Kolis wonders what Attes thinks, and Kyn tells him he’s more attuned to accord than war. Kyn then assures Kolis he’s not worried about retribution or Nektas. Kolis tells him he’s brave and loyal and has his gratitude. The Primal kisses his ass.

When talk shifts to the embers, Kolis says he’s maintained the balance this long and that won’t change anytime soon. He asserts they won’t make any moves against the Shadowlands unless provoked. When Kyn asks what happens then, Kolis says he’ll do what must be done. They talk about Nyktos, and when Kolis notices Kyn looking at Sera, he tells the Primal she draws the eye and asks her to move closer. He wonders what Kyn thinks, and the Primal agrees with Kolis. He then says that if it comes out that she isn’t his graeca, he will gift her to Kyn after he's finished with her. Kyn humbly accepts, then tells him he’s happy he brought a gift, as well.

Someone wearing a black hood is brought in, and Kolis finds out it’s Rhain. He remembers his father and brother and what they could do. Rhain seethes as Kolis talks about his father and calls him a traitor. He wonders if Rhain allowed himself to be captured and if finding Nyktos wasn’t really his end goal.

He searches the god and finds a pouch with a necklace in it. He assumes it’s his trigger object, slightly confirmed when Sera says it’s hers, but insists she didn’t know what Rhain could do. He listens to Kyn and Sera bicker and tells them to stop. Turning to Rhain, he says he believes Sera; therefore, he’ll make his death quick. Sera argues, saying he’s only being loyal to the Primal of his Court, Kolis insists he should be loyal to him—his King.

When Sera tells him that he should be thrilled that Rhain is worried about Nyktos, it confuses him. She explains that the gods in the Courts should care about their Primals. If they don’t, how can they care about their King?

Sera tells him she’ll do whatever he wants if he lets Rhain go. He asks her why she’d want to save the god, and she says she’s trying to prevent a war. She reiterates that she’ll do anything if he promises that Rhain will be returned to the Shadowlands in the same condition he’s in now. He agrees and dismisses Kyn, then informs Sera they’ll be sharing a bed.

Once Sera is bathed and dressed, he comes in and tells her she’s far bolder than before, then asks if what he requested of her was a surprise. She tells him it only surprised her because he offered her to Kyn just moments before. He tells her that her advice to release Rhain was wise and shows that he’s reasonable, fair, and worthy of loyalty. He mentions that the god is back home.

They go to bed.

The next day, Kolis brings Ione to meet Sera. He tells her that the goddess can see into others’ thoughts to uncover truths, lies—all that is needed.

He tells Sera it won’t take long and assures her that Ione will be quick and efficient. He orders her to sit. Kolis takes in her demeanor and says she seems nervous. She replies it’s because a god did this to her before, and it hurt.