Body type: Straight shoulders.

Facial features: Pink, sun-kissed skin. Heart-shaped face.

Personality: Kind. Good listener.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Prefers Cauldra Manor to Castle Redrock.

Other: Has a black-and-white cat.

Background: Was betrothed to Prince Tavius of Lasania. Conspired with Sera to make herself sick to avoid the wedding. Has seen enough Primals to know their eyes are silver.

Family: Father = King Saegar. Mother = Queen Geneva. Descendant of the last oracle.


Let me start out by just saying that I am so happy that the Princess was able to get out of marrying Prince Tavius.

Sera once found her crying in the gardens after Tavius hurt her, and Kayleigh wasn’t surprised when Sera warned her about her stepbrother. Afterward, she and Sera concocted a plan to make her unavailable for the Royal engagement announcement. Sera gained a potion from a Healer that would make Kayleigh appear very ill, thus necessitating a postponement of the engagement. Kayleigh convinced her parents that it was the warmer, more humid climate that made her sick.

When Sera searches for Delfai, she uncovers his location when using the Pools of Divanash, seeing that he’s at Cauldra Manor with the Princess. After Sera and Nyktos arrive in Irelone, Kayleigh recognizes Sera immediately and knows that her companion is a Primal. She’s fearful because she knows that Primals are easily offended if not given the proper respect.

When Sera asks about Delfai and describes him, Kayleigh calls him the scholar and confirms that he is, indeed, at Cauldra. She goes on to say that he’s been there for a few years and is teaching her how to read the old language.

Confronted with the opportunity, Kayleigh thanks Sera for her help with Tavius and the engagement. As they talk more, Nyktos apologizes for how other Primals have been. When Kayleigh asks about his Court, she’s shocked to discover that he’s from the Shadowlands. She asks Sera how she came to be with him, and Sera tells her it’s a long story.

The couple asks her to take them to Delfai. She reveals that Irelone learned Ezmeria had taken the throne of Lasania, and Nyktos tells her that Tavius is in the Abyss. She’s relieved and laughs before revealing that she worried about being forced to return to him and kept waiting for word that he’d become betrothed to another. The news that she is now free brings tears to her eyes.

Kayleigh realizes that Sera was never the Queen’s handmaiden. When Nyktos tells her who Sera really is and was meant to be, Kayleigh doesn’t seem surprised.


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“Godsdamn it,” Sera growled, the essence of the Primals swelling inside her and spilling into the air around us.

Her rising frustration called forth a rough chuckle as I pulled her back against my chest. Her vanilla and lavender scent surrounded me. “Now, how would you get free from me?” I asked, staring down at all her glorious, silvery-blond hair. My fingers itched to sink into those soft strands. Unfortunately, that wouldn’t help her gain control of the essence thrumming through her body. “You can’t reach that dagger or any other weapon, even if you had one. What would you do?”

She struggled against me, not accomplishing much but making me fully aware of all her lush curves. “Scream loudly?”

My lips twisted as my gaze flipped to the gray stone walls of the underground chamber deep beneath the House of Haides. “No.”


Smiling then, I tilted my head toward the graceful length of her throat. “There are very few things I would be interested in hearing you beg for,” I told her, feeling her tense against me. “And your life is not one of them.”

My touch? My bite? My cock? I wouldn’t mind hearing her beg for those things using that pretty mouth of hers. My jaw clenched.

I needed to fucking focus.

What we were doing down here was important. It had nothing to do with her begging or my cock. “I can feel the essence in you ramping up. It’s there. Charging the air. You can summon the eather. Will it to manifest into energy that can break my hold. You won’t hurt me.”

She turned her head slightly toward mine. “I’m not worried about hurting you.”

“Then what’s stopping you?”