Reaver then tells her that a god can kill another, and that she—Poppy—is the first female descendant of the Primal of Life, the most powerful being ever known. He says she will become stronger than even her father, Ires, in time.

When she asks for more information about the Consort, whom she now believes is her grandmother, she is told that speaking the Consort’s name is forbidden.

Just as things appear to be coming along, albeit shockingly with all the revelations, Isbeth sends a gift. It turns out to be Casteel’s ring finger, complete with his wedding band. Poppy absolutely loses it and has to be calmed.

Deciding that she can’t—and won’t—wait to go after Cas, she makes plans to leave as soon as possible. Kieran insists on going with her, and she tells him that Reaver needs to come, as well.

That night, she dream walks—also called soul walking, where heartmated souls can find each other, even in dreams—and finds Casteel. Once they reunite, sparks fly as usual with the two of them, and he tells her to find him, bolstering her resolve.

Before she can even make another decision, an unnatural storm rolls in, killing all but three of the draken with her. She realizes it has to be Vessa, the strange woman they locked up when she went a little mad. Poppy ultimately kills her, but not before Vessa insists that Poppy will not harness the fire of the gods and bring war, then claims to serve the True Crown of the Realms. Whatever that means.

Sadly, I found out not too long after…

Reaver then explains how Nyktos is not the Primal of Life as everyone assumes. But Kolis was. He also explains how Kolis was entombed after the war between the Primals and gods and then subsequently erased from history. Reaver also tells her how the Revenants were Kolis’s pet project and explains how mortals were created, going on to further explain why the third sons and daughters are special.

Because Poppy could not bring back the draken who died despite her best efforts, she realizes that she cannot bring back the wolven, either, as they are also of two worlds. This leads to the conclusion that the only way to save Kieran should he be hurt and ensure his continued safety is for Cas, him, and her to complete the Joining, making all of them nearly immortal.

Once they reach Oak Ambler, they encounter a group of citizens trying to leave, most of them grieving lost children who were taken from them. Poppy tells them to go to Massene where it’s safe, then calls to the soldiers, telling them that she’s not the harbinger but carries the blood of the King of Gods in her. She also asserts that the Ascended are their enemy, not her.

Thinking about the storm Vessa conjured and realizing the Blood Crown knows how to use Primal magic, she wonders if the magic Isbeth used was Malec’s or Kolis’s and whether Malec is the great conspirator from the prophecy.

She inquires about the children and is taken to the tombs, finding seventy-one bodies from the last two Rites. She orders Reaver to burn the Temple to the ground, including the Priests within, and then heals who she can. Unfortunately, they lose five wolven and close to one hundred Atlantian soldiers along the way.

Poppy is suddenly inspired to use magic to locate Cas and find a way to him and gathers what she needs for a locator spell. Before she can set off, Tawny arrives—though Poppy comes to find she is much changed. It’s still her friend, but she looks and feels very different. Tawny tells Poppy that she saw Vikter in a dream that wasn’t a dream, and he told her that Poppy is a god, and that Isbeth’s plan is to remake the realms with Poppy’s help.

Wondering about Vikter—she saw him die, after all—Poppy finds out that he is a viktor, learns what that means, and figures that he must have determined what he was and possibly who he was supposed to protect and sought out Cora before Poppy was even born.

Going over the prophecy, which they still don’t know in its entirety or understand, she wonders who the first daughter is since Poppy is always referred to as the second. She can guess that Malik is likely the once-promised King mentioned.

Poppy learns that the Consort was born in Lasania and was a mortal Princess and the true heir to the throne before coming into her power. But she was born with an ember of pure Primal power—unlike the third sons and daughters. Combined with the knowledge that the Consort’s name cannot be spoken by a Primal without making stars fall from the sky and mountains crumble into the sea, she wonders even more about herself and her ancestor.

A large group of soldiers approaches, and a battle ensues. She, Kieran, and Reaver are taken hostage, and she wakes to the Queen’s Revenant Handmaiden, who says her name is Millie. She agrees to a deal to save Kieran and Reaver. Two days later, Poppy wakes in her old bedroom at Wayfair with Kieran, learning that Reaver is in a chamber below her.

The two of them discuss the knights in the castle and the extremely odd two people they met—Callum and Millie—and Poppy tries to reach out to Delano telepathically. Seems their plan to come in waves has been thwarted, though she discovers that Whitebridge and New Haven are now under Atlantian control, and Three Rivers is soon to follow.

Brought before the Queen, Poppy wonders how people would feel if they knew the truth about Isbeth and asks how Malik can stand being around her. She then shatters his mental shields and feels the truth of the matter. Isbeth has him removed and lets Poppy name her terms, which she then laughs at.

The Blood Queen allows Poppy to see Cas but won’t let anybody else near him. When Poppy finally reaches him, he’s in bloodlust and looks to be in really bad shape. She’s able to heal him and bring him back from the brink, but he needs more than that. She demands food and water for him, and Isbeth scoffs once again.

Poppy and Isbeth then talk about the lies and the ultimate responsibility for all that has been done. She finally asks how the Queen captured Ires and is told that he came over two hundred years ago, looking for his twin, Malec. She adds that the one who came with him—whom we now know was Jadis—could sense Malec’s blood. Isbeth then insinuates the draken was dealt with.

When Poppy inquires about her conception, Isbeth says it wasn’t forced, but then adds an “either time” and goes on to say she wanted a strong child, and Ires was full of lust and hatred. He even tried to kill her afterward—something Isbeth seems to find perverse pleasure in.

She also reveals that she knew what Poppy would become and that Malec wasn’t dead, even though their heartmate bond broke when Eloana entombed him.

With no time to spare, Poppy reaches out to Kieran and says they need to get Cas and leave immediately. She hates the idea of leaving her father behind, but she has no choice.

After a discussion with Malik and thinking back on what she felt when she shattered his shields, Poppy realizes that Millie is the reason he stays. Later, she finds out Malik and Millie are heartmates.

But it’s complicated.

Now knowing that Isbeth wants to see the kingdoms burn and blames Nyktos for refusing to answer Malec’s call for a heartmate trial, Poppy comes to understand that eradicating all Atlantians is the only justice that will satisfy Isbeth.

After being escorted back to her room, Poppy summons the Primal mist. Using it to escape, she meets up with Kieran and Reaver, and they battle their way through the castle. Kieran is wounded, and she cannot completely heal him. She later discovers that the weapon was cursed. When they reach Cas, they find he’s in even worse shape than before and are told that Callum is the cause. She vows to see the bastard dead, and Reaver acknowledges. She’s able to bring Cas back to himself somewhat, and they reunite.

In just the way I hoped they would. No voyeur shame, remember?

When Cas relives his time in the dungeon, he tells Poppy about his interactions with Millie and what he came to realize: Millie is Poppy’s full-blooded sister. The first daughter. Poppy also learns that Callum showed Isbeth how to make Revenants, and Malik mentions something Reaver said a while back. That Poppy is a Primal. The draken then confirms that she is a Primal born of mortal flesh. The first since the Primal God of Life.