Eyes: Ruby-red.

Facial features: Handsome but smug.

Background: Kolis’s draken.


Preternatural appearance: Large. Onyx-hued scales.

Family: Twin = Orphine †.


Hair: Dark.

Background: Kolis’s draken.


Hair: Dark.

Preternatural appearance: Greenish brown scales. Long neck. Oval-shaped head.

Personality: Fearless. Inquisitive.

Background: Taken prisoner by the Blood Crown.

Family: Father = Nektas. Mother = Halayna †.


Preternatural appearance: Black with red-tipped scales. Wide jaw and broad, flat nose. Horns sprout from head and curve back—as long as a mortal leg. Wide wingspan and spiked tail.

Background: Kolis’s draken.


Hair: Long, black hair streaked with red (becomes streaked with silver).

Eyes: Blood-red with vertical pupil (become sapphire blue with vertical pupil).

Body type: Tall. Long legs.

Facial features: Copper skin. Broad, proud features.

Distinguishing features: Ridges on skin that resemble scales.

Preternatural features: Black and dark gray scales. Spiked tail. The size of three large horses. Long, graceful neck. Head is half the size of a horse’s body. Flat, broad nose. Wide jaw. Pointed horns on head like a crown. Body is at least twenty feet.

Personality: Quiet. Reserved. Sage-like.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Extraordinary hearing. Can manifest clothing.

Background: Was Eythos’s bonded draken, the very first—was close to him even before he was given his dual nature. Created the first mortal with Eythos. When Eythos died, it severed the bond, and he ended up bonded to Nyktos by choice.

Family: Daughter = Jadis. Mate = Halayna †. Distant relative = Thad. Bonded Primal = Eythos and then Nyktos.
