One Guardian is equal to twenty trained soldiers.

Long, warbling war cry.

Use stone swords that ignite when/if struck together.

History and Lore:

The last of their bloodline, they are born in a long succession of Guardians who will defend Atlantia to their dying breath.

Guardians are the only Warrior bloodline left.

Only about two hundred Guardians remain.


Click here to see a full-size image of a draken by Kassia Ramos.

A very, very long time ago, even before Primals and gods and certainly before my time, dragons existed in both the mortal realm and the Land of the Gods. When the gods came to be, Eythos, the Primal God of Life, befriended the dragons. He wanted to learn their stories and histories, so he offered to give them mortal form. Those who agreed became known as the draken.


Preternatural appearance: Greenish brown scales. Long neck. Wings the length of her body. Larger than Nithe and Thad but smaller than Reaver. Rows of horns and frills around neck.

Background: One of only three females of the awakened twenty-three draken. Pointed out each of the draken to Poppy so she knew which was which.


Background: Attes’s draken


Preternatural appearance: Black and brown scales.

Family: Distant cousins = Ehthawn and Orphine †

Davina †

Hair: Long and honey-brown.

Eyes: Vibrant blue.

Facial features: Reddish brown skin.

Preternatural appearance: Small. Reddish brown scales.

Other: Most call her “Dav.”

Personality: No one knows if she likes them or is seconds away from setting them on fire.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Wears a slender, black-bladed dagger on her forearm and another on her thigh.

Background: Brought Sera meals. Killed when Kolis sent his draken.

Family: Older sister who died long ago.


Hair: Long, wavy, and blond.