Page 45 of Nowhere Like Home

Lenna gasped. She never would have written that! How had this gotten here? Had someone hacked her phone? But beneath that text, also deleted, Rhiannon had sent a response.

Got it. Sorry.

And then…she’d blocked her.

Lenna clutched her phone and composed a new message underthis strange, mistaken, deleted thread.Rhiannon! I didn’t write that text. My phone got hacked, I think. I’m so sorry.

She sent it off.Bloop.The number had been blocked.

She let out a groan. How did you get someone to unblock you? How could you claim a text you wrote wasn’t from you even though it came from your phone? She could call Rhiannon from another phone, she supposed. She rooted in her bedside drawer for a pad to copy down Rhiannon’s number. Suddenly, something caught in her mind. She picked up her phone again.

The deleted text she swore she hadn’t written was in all caps.TOO FUCKING LATE, it read, which was something Lenna would never say.

But there was something else. It didn’t actually sayfucking.It saidducking.

Her hand fluttered to her mouth.

As if on cue, Gillian’s number appeared on her screen.Who was at the door?

Lenna gripped her phone hard, wanting to hurl it across the room. Gillian’s text seemed to taunt her.Call her,Lenna’s mind screamed.

But this was a face-to-face conversation.

Instagram post from @GillianAnxietyBabe

July 22

[Image description: A young woman with wavy brown hair stares into a mirror without expression. Only half of her face is shown. The room is dark. There are shadows across her face.]

First of all, a total caveat, I’m a TEENSY bit tipsy tonite. We all know how alcohol helps us loosen up, but I may have gone overboard just a little. Purely out of stress. And here’s why.

I’m SO worried about L. I think she’s still in touch with R. It really does feel like a bad boyfriend sitch. It breaks my heart. It’s like, I can see the future of how this is all going to go, all based on the fact that S and me are a few steps ahead. (Btw, S is getting more and more hysterical. I caught her following me to work. She made up an excuse, but I felt really unsettled. I really, really need to move, friends. That much is clear.)

But back to L: I can really tell she’s still thinking about her ex-friend. It seems so obsessive. R isn’t even that great. I wish there was something I could do. L means so much to me. I’ve told her all my secrets, even the biggest, scariest ones I wouldn’t tell anyone. Or I’m getting there, anyway. I can trust her. I want to continue to trust her. I don’t want R to ruin that. Ruin her.

What would you do if you were me? Would you let her make her own mistakes? Or would you do a teensy little thing to just sort of nudge the boat back out to sea?


@BBach5truth:You gotta go with your gut, honey! This is your bestie you’re talking about!

@anxiouskitten23:Totally agree. You gotta keep those toxic ex-friends away.

@RTGz69:You should totally report S. Major stalker. What’s her problem?

@mimi_has_troubleZ:S is probably jealous of your new friendship. Watch out!

@lonely_girlRZ4540:I hope everything is okay.




Present day

After Lenna and Amy milk the goats, they return to the house. Lenna heads straight to the laundry room, where Rhiannon is supposedly working. But the room is empty. The washers, two of them, stand open. The drying racks and lines are bare, too, the clothespins waiting.