“In my room? Rhiannon said you made it. It was really refreshing—and relaxing. She said you made it with cucumber you grow yourselves.” Lenna blinks at Melissa’s confused expression. “Sorry. Rhiannon said…”
Melissa lays the book facedown on her lap, her gaze flitting from Lenna to her baby. “I’m sorry, whoareyou?”
“Lenna.” Lenna’s vision tunnels. “I met you outside…”
“I don’tthinkso…”
Melissa’s voice sounds different—more of a fry, more California cool. Lenna looks around, trying to hold on to something in this room that’s real. “Oh. I’m sorry. Maybe I…maybe we didn’t…”
“Naomi,” comes a sharp voice. And here isanotherMelissa, rushing forward. “Hey. You’ve met Lenna. She just got here. Rhiannon’s friend.”
The reading woman—Naomi?—is on her feet now. She places the book on the table. “Oh. That explains it. She thought I was you.”
Melissa turns to Lenna. “Sorry. Naomi and I are sisters.”
“Twins,” Lenna says, feeling idiotic.
“Yes.” Melissa tries to laugh. “It’s been a while since we’ve had anyone new here. It’s hard to tell us apart…”
Melissa’s smile is twitchy, like she’s trying to smooth something over. The tension is palpable. Even Jacob can feel it, his whimpers escalating. Lenna clears her throat. It feels like it’s up to her to smooth this over. “So you’re both residents? Is that fun to be here together?”
“It can be,” Melissa says carefully.
“It’s a real trip,” Naomi says at the same time—sarcastically. Then she looks at Lenna. “So. What did you do to her?”
“What. Did. You. Do. To. Rhiannon?”
She holds Lenna’s gaze a beat too long, a whisper of a smile on her face. Lenna’s heart bangs. “Wh-what do you mean?”
“To deserve to come to this place, I mean. Must’ve been somethingremarkable.”
Lenna lets out a shaky breath. There are spots in front of her eyes. “Um, I don’t…”
“Naomi, come on.” Melissa grabs her sister’s arm. “You know you’re not supposed to ask those questions.”
“Whatever, I have to do chores now anyway.” Naomi stands. “Nice to meet you, Lenna. Hope you find what you’re looking for here.”
“Thanks.” Lenna’s head begins to hurt.
“Sorry about her,” Melissa says after Naomi leaves, her jaw tensed. “I have to love her because she’s my sister, but sometimes, I swear, I wish she was someone else.” Then she winces. “Forget I said that. So. Do you need anything?”
“I’m fine.” Lenna peeks once more over her shoulder. Naomihas disappeared down the hall. She thinks of the hunger she felt in her room. It’s been replaced with a ball of nerves.
“You see the rain?” Melissa asks as she guides Lenna into the kitchen. “Swept through half an hour ago.”
She gestures to the open door to the outside. Lenna gasps. The front yard, which was dusty and dry, is now damp and shimmering. The temperature has also dropped at least thirty degrees. The mountain has turned a grayish pink. The sheds and outbuildings glimmer. And yes, there is a goat pen, off to the left. The animals are actually frolicking. It’s amazing what a change in weather can do.
She feels lighter—and clearer, too. Suddenly, she has the words for Daniel, a way to explain.
Excusing herself, she turns with purpose back to her room and grabs her phone. Daniel’s text is still on the locked screen.What the fuck are you thinking?She dials his number.Think good thoughts,she tells herself.It’ll be okay.
He answers immediately, breathless. “Lenna! Holy shit!”
“Jesus Christ. What thehell?” His voice is choked, like he’s been crying. “Where are you? I’ve been waiting here, thinking you’re coming back!”