Page 53 of Cruel Lust

“And you come out looking like a hero,” I add since he conveniently left that part out.

The man has no shame. I already knew that. “I’m a hero either way,” he states, as a matter of fact, and I can’t look at him anymore.

I turn away and go to the window, though there isn’t much I can see in the dark. There are floodlights mounted around the exterior of the house, but all they do is give me a view of the lawn and the wall, marking the edge of the property. I can only imagine living here would feel like a prison rather than a sanctuary, but that could be my present state of mind coloring my perception.

Luca has to come through. He has to. Everything else, we can figure out. Did Rocco look like he was coming around? I don’t know whether he did or if it’s simply my wanting to believe he did.

The door bursts open, and a hurricane that looks a lot like Luca rushes into the room. I’m in his arms before I know what’s happening. “It’s over. It’s over,” he groans with his lips brushing the top of my head.

“What is?” I can hardly take a breath, much less speak, thanks to the way his arms practically crush me.

“You’re safe.” I feel the rapid pounding of his heart, but that’s nothing compared to the way my heart hammers. The room is spinning. All the strength leaves my body at once, and I’m glad Luca is here to hold me up. I believed in him. I didn’t necessarily believe in the rest of them, though.

Closing my eyes and clinging to him, I say a silent prayer of thanks, letting the truth sink into my bones. I’m going to live. The family I wanted more than anything to destroy has granted me a future. It’s absurd, but then life has proven itself rather ridiculous lately.

I open my eyes again at the sound of footsteps, and I find Rocco entering the room, followed by the other men. Dante doesn’t bother concealing his scowl. Is he going to be a problem?

I hate to imagine it that way, but it’s obvious he’s against me sticking around. I don’t see anything like that from the other two guys. In fact, Niccolo offers a grin when he sees Luca and me wrapped up in each other.

“This is contingent on you holding up your end of the bargain.” Rocco still looks stern as he approaches. Luca loosens his grip on me but refuses to let go, and I’m not about to complain. “You resign, you follow along with whatever Craig tells you to tell anyone who starts asking questions. We’ll work it out so our family doctor can put together a report on your injuries and treatment.”

“It would be better if you claim shock,” Craig decides, and the sound of his voice makes me sick, but then he’s going to help ensure I get through the aftermath.

Is this what life has become? A constant compromise? Learning to live with certain things because there are other things I can’t live without? Like the man who hasn’t let go of me yet?

Maybe that’s what life has always been, and I’m only now figuring it out.

“Yes, the less you say, the better.” Rocco shrugs in an almost good-natured manner. “It’s nothing personal. I hope you understand. I have people to protect.”

I hope he doesn’t expect me to be buddy-buddy anytime soon. I know who he is. I know what he’s done. I also know I don’t want to be without his son. I couldn’t explain it if I took the rest of my life to find the words. It’s a feeling. A certainty. Undeniable, unbreakable. From the beginning, he worked his way into my system like a drug I can’t kick. I don’t think I want to, either.

“I’ll have one of my guys take you down to Luca’s house so you can get yourself cleaned up and comfortable,” Rocco decides before snapping his fingers. Francesco hops to it, going to the door and having a short conversation in the hall. “At some point, we’ll get you to your apartment so you can pack up anything you want to bring along. From today on, you live here. We’ll keep the apartment for you as a cover, but this is your home. If you want to be with my son, this is where you start. Do we understand each other?”

“We do.” And do we ever. He wants to keep me under his thumb the way he keeps his children under his thumb. Maybe in time, things will ease up, but for now, I am living under scrutiny.

When Luca gives me a little squeeze of reassurance, I’m reminded of everything he was willing to sacrifice for me. How far he’s willing to go to protect me. I have no doubt he would burn down the world if it meant my safety. The heat from that imaginary fire warms me to my core and lights up my heart. It puts everything in perspective.

I can deal with Rocco Santoro’s watchful eye if it means we’ll be together.

“You’re staying here?” I ask when a guard steps up, waving me toward him, but Luca remains in place.

“We have some things to discuss.” There’s another squeeze before Luca offers a brief smile. “I’ll meet you there. You’ll be okay by yourself.”

I’m starting to understand I have no choice. Might as well get used to following orders around here. “I’ll make do.”

“I’ll walk with you,” Craig offers, falling in step beside me. “We need to go over our story, make sure we have everything straight.” Terrific. It’s Luca I want to be with, who said he loves me, and who I love. We should be together, talking things over, finally taking the time to be together. One on one.

Instead, I’m stuck with my smirking ex-partner.



I hate watching her walk away.

“Don’t worry.” I look at my father, watching me watch her, and I can’t read his expression. “She’s in good hands,” he tells me.

“I want it on the record that I’m against this.” Dante won’t be satisfied until I knock his teeth out. Even now, he can’t stand losing.