Page 41 of Cruel Lust

He’s not sorry, and we both know it. He is barely containing his hatred, his loathing, digging the knife in at precisely the place where he knows it will cause the most damage. A desk cop? No fucking way. I didn’t work as hard as I have to sit behind a desk for the rest of my life, developing carpal tunnel, while men and women without half my dedication are out there living my destiny. The idea turns my stomach and sends bitterness racing through my veins.

I don’t trust a word out of this man’s mouth. He’s only trying to scare me. It’s Luca I trust. As bizarre as the idea is, as surprised as I am to have it, it feels true. Nobody can pretend to be as panicked as he was when I was shot. That was genuine. I take the memory, hold it close to my heart, and hope I’m not wrong. “I would like to see him,” I whisper. “Please. Can I speak to Luca?”

Rocco’s head snaps back before his shrewd eyes go narrow. “I told you he gave you up as a cop, and you still want to see him?”

He’s trying way too hard to make me hate his son. I need to remember this is a shrewd, calculating man who’s a pro at twisting people up. It would be a mistake to take everything he says as truth. “You didn’t give him a choice, and I still want him to know I’m okay.”

He snorts in disbelief. “I’ll make sure he’s aware.”

All this is doing is making me more determined to see Luca. There’s got to be a reason his father is dead set on keeping us apart. He has to know there’s nothing I can do to hurt his family while lying in a bed and unable to lift my head off the pillow without practically passing out. “I’m sure he wants to see me too.”

“And you care what my son wants… why?” he demands, his tone leaving a wake of goose bumps on my skin. “He kidnapped you after stalking you for days. Don’t tell me you’ve developed a soft spot.” I wish my face wouldn’t heat up the way it is at his insinuation and the nastiness behind it. “I think you’ve done enough speaking to Luca,” he continues. “The fact is, my son has lost sight of his priorities. Whether or not that’s your fault is a matter of opinion, but I am of the opinion you are to blame. What do I do about that?” He purses his lips like he’s actually pondering the question.

Let me go. Yeah, right. Like that would happen. He’s a cold-blooded murderer. This heartless bastard has destroyed so many lives through his violence, corruption, and the way he and the men who worked for his father before him exploited countless people and their addictions. Human life is cheap to them.

And why the hell would Luca be any different? Have I been kidding myself? It’s easy to do that when you’re in a bubble, and all you can focus on is getting through one hour at a time.

“Maybe I’ve given you too much to think about in your weakened state.” He stands, grunting a little like he’s starting to feel his sixty-five years. “Suffice it to say, Luca is home where he belongs, and he’ll understand and follow along with whatever it is I decide to do with you. Finally getting some rest has realigned his priorities. Maybe I should thank you for getting shot,” he offers with a smirk. “You brought him back to us. Thank you for that, Detective Washington.”

Hot, furious tears fill my eyes as I stare at his retreating form. “Don’t get any ideas,” he adds on his way out. “You’re being watched. I might have taken you in for the sake of getting my son back, but that’s where the hospitality ends. Behave yourself, and I might make it quick for you.”

“Why not get it over with now?” I ask before he’s closed the door between us.

He pauses, then lifts a shoulder. “You might still be valuable.”

Maybe I should thank Rocco for reminding me of just who and what I got myself involved with. It would probably do me no good now that he’s clearly bent on killing me. Still, at least I could die without laboring under the illusion that anyone in this violent, heartless world could truly care about anyone or anything but their family business. Knowing all that, I still can’t help but long for Luca.



I now know how a caged tiger feels.

I’ve never considered the house my father built for me within the walls of the family compound to be anything less than a haven. After a long meeting or a family dinner, there was nothing like escaping here to decompress. It’s no bigger than the cabin where I stayed with Emilia, but it’s much more comfortable.

At least, it usually feels that way. Now it’s a gilded cage, one I pace helplessly while God only fucking knows what goes on at the house. One of the conditions of Papa taking in Emilia and making sure she received treatment, I’m stuck here until he decides it’s safe to let me out. There are armed men at my front door, working in shifts.

Never did I think my own father would hold me hostage.

Never did I think I would give him any reason to.

But I couldn’t have expected her to walk into my life.

Has she walked out of it? I made him swear. I begged him to vow he wouldn’t hurt her. My mother was there, so she heard him promise. If nothing else, he’ll keep a promise he made in front of her.

I need to believe he will.

Otherwise, what was this all for?

Two days.

Two days without her, without knowing anything other than the fact that she was alive and still unconscious when I left her up at the house. Dr. Graham has been with the family since before I was born. I have no doubt he would do everything necessary to take care of her. What worries me is what happened after he left. I imagine Dante whispering in Papa’s ear, insisting all outsiders are threats.

An animal growl stirs in my chest, and I kick the coffee table in passing, sending it sliding across the floor. It does nothing to ease the pressure threatening to tear me apart. I’m helpless, a little better than a fucking baby, with no say in anything happening around me. And all because I met her.

If two days spent in captivity have done nothing else, they’ve given me perspective. I’ve had to come to terms with a lot of shit I’ve wasted time denying. I’m finished pretending not to know why I went to the trouble I went to for her sake. I know damn well it’s because I fell for her the moment I set eyes on her at the club. If I hadn’t, none of this would be happening. She would be nothing more than a dim memory at this moment.

But no, I lost control of the situation before I knew there was one. I never had a chance against her.