Page 38 of Guarded Love

Iwas doing this. Really doing it.

First, I was having incredible sex with a man way out of my league, who, for some reason, seemed to genuinely want me. And now, I was hanging out with the girls as if I truly belonged.

“Don’t get me wrong. I love Connor.” Pepper picked up a piece of sushi and popped it into her mouth before groaning happily. “But sometimes, you just need a girls’ night.”

“Here, here.” Olivia refreshed our cocktails before plopping down cross-legged on the floor. An entire feast was spread out on the coffee table courtesy of the two of them. “Boys are fun, but let’s face it. They stink.”

I laughed so hard that I almost choked on a piece of salmon. “How do they do it?” I wondered, giggling. “Like, they can wear the most amazing cologne and smell incredible, but then turn around and ruin it with a well-timed burp.”

“And let’s not get started on what they can do in their sleep.” Olivia pretended to gag, or maybe she wasn’t pretending. “It’s disgusting. I swear, I’m going to set up my phone one night and record all the sounds he makes. It would be great blackmail material.”

“Can you imagine the headlines? Couturier suffers from nighttime flatulence.” Our laughter echoed off the walls, filling me up the way no amount of sushi could. It filled my soul. Finally, I felt connected. Like we weren’t so different. All it had taken was Magnus. If nothing else, I would always be grateful to him for that.

“So, you seem to be doing a lot better,” Olivia remarked, taking me by surprise as she deftly grabbed a spicy scallop with her chopsticks. “Barrett will be thrilled.”

One thing a girl did not want to think about while reflecting on the man she was sleeping with was her brother. “Not as thrilled as I am. I really think it worked this time. I’ll have a follow-up with my doctor in Boston next week, but I’m feeling really good about it. It seems like everything’s working the way it should.”

Pepper applauded with her usual enthusiasm. “Fantastic. I can’t wait for us to go out and dance all night once you’re healed up all the way.”

Olivia nodded in agreement. “Who knew Magnus was such a great nurse?”

It happened before I could stop it, though I wouldn’t have known how to stop it even if I could. My cheeks went hot, and I ducked my head, pretending I was having issues with my chopsticks.

“Okay…” Olivia started and set down her wine glass and chopsticks, folding her hands in her lap.

“Out with it,” Pepper ordered as she sat by and watched.

“Out with what?” I asked, playing dumb and hoping like hell they’d change the subject to something else.Anythingelse.

“Eve, I love you. You’re terrific. But you’re a terrible liar.”

Shit, shit, shitty shit. “What do you think I’m lying about?” A surge of heat coursed through my chest, scaling my neck and face, and my skin tingled with unease.

“Girl, it is written all over you, and I’m not saying this to make fun or make you feel bad. But it’s pretty obvious,” Olivia noted, exchanging a look with Pepper, who finally nodded.

“Yeah, you were awesome before, but now you’re like… perky. Giggly,” Pepper added with a sly wink.

“We’ve done a lot of drinking,” I said, trying to dissuade them from the red color on my cheeks.

“Andyou are getting a lot of dick,” Pepper flat-out announced.


“It’s true, though. Isn’t it?” Olivia was a little gentler, craning her neck when I tried to hide my face. She wasn’t going to let me go that easy. “No judgment here. I mean, I was convinced Ari and I would kill each other before we finally got together.”

“These things happen,” Pepper reasoned. “Connor and I were never supposed to be together. Certain things you just can’t help.”

I could trust them, right?I wanted to so much. They were the girlfriends I always wished I could have. There was no judgment coming from them. Nothing but understanding and kindness. I didn’t have to be afraid.

Well, except for one thing. “You absolutely, positively cannot tell anybody,” I warned. “I mean it. Especially not your guys. Barrett would lose his mind.”

“It’s true?” Pepper squealed. “Yes! Finally!”


“Face it, girl,” Olivia informed me with a knowing little smile. “It was inevitable. The way you two were always at each other’s throats?”

Did it seem that simple?“Trust me. This was the last thing I ever expected.”