Page 54 of Guarded Love

“Excuse me. I want to give the happy couple a toast,” I hollered, and somebody was kind enough to turn down the music so I didn’t have to scream.

“This should be good.” Ari’s arms were folded over his chest. Olivia clearly did what she could to keep him from making a scene, though she shot me a withering look when our eyes met.

And Evelyn? She turned slowly, first training her gaze on my chest before letting it travel further north. I could easily imagine the time she’d taken with her hair and makeup. How much effort she’d put into looking the way she did. There wasn’t a woman in the room who compared to her. She flat-out leveled me with nothing but a single glance.

I still smiled broadly, looking over the crowd until I could see the top of Barrett’s head bobbing along, with Lourde holding his hand and practically dragging him behind her. Our eyes locked, and he froze solid except for his face. It twitched like crazy as he fought to contain his anger, probably to avoid upsetting Lourde by making a scene.

“I was hoping to make a toast to Ari and Olivia,” I announced. “We’re all here because we’re so happy they’re taking this next step together. To the happy couple.” I raised my glass, and everyone else did the same, a few of them applauding.

“I have to be honest with you,” I continued as I looked around. “There was a long time when I didn’t think any of my friends would ever settle down. But we all had a lot of growing up to do. Now, seeing Ari taken off the market… it’s enough to make me want to take myself off the market, too. Forever.”

I looked down at Leila, whose eyes shone up at me. I could imagine all the thoughts running through her head. The hopes. The dollar signs. “And that’s why I want to make an announcement. I, too, am officially off the market as of tonight. There’s no room for any other woman in my life.”

Commotion from across the room drew my attention, and I looked over to find Evelyn trying to quietly fight her way out of the cluster around her so she could go. There were tears in her eyes, and her face was red.

The girls glared at me like I was the devil incarnate. Barrett snarled and began to cross the room, coming toward me as Lourde tried to hold him back. “I’ll fucking kill you,” he growled out loudly enough for me to hear.

I continued without acknowledging him, “Because I want nothing more than to spend the rest of my life with Evelyn Black.”

Barrett and Lourde both went still. Olivia gasped. Pepper squealed and gripped Connor’s arm.

Evelyn? Evelyn went as still as her brother. Her tear-filled eyes darted around like she wanted to make sure she wasn’t hearing things.

“What?” Leila’s lips pulled back from her teeth in a hideous grimace when I looked down at her. “Is this some sick joke?”

This time, my smile was genuine. “The only sick joke, Leila, is the way you think you can slide back into my life. You’re out of your goddamn mind if you think I would ever give you another chance after cheating on me,” I announced, cheerful, upbeat, loud enough for everybody in the now dead-silent room to hear. “But since you didn’t seem to get the hint when I tried to show you I wasn’t interested, I decided it was time to show you in public, in front of all these people, so you’ll never forget. If I ever forget what a two-timing, greedy whore you are, every single person at this party has permission to kick my ass. Because I’d deserve it. Now get out of my life and make sure I never have to look at you again.”

I looked across the room again to where Evelyn was now staring at me with her mouth hanging open and her eyes wide. “I love you, and I don’t care who feels like standing in our way. You are who I want. I could never settle for less than you. I wanted everybody to know.”

I looked around, grinning sheepishly. “And now, I guess everybody does. Evelyn Black is the woman I want to spend my life with. It’s that simple.”

“How dare you do this to me?” Leila shrieked.

“Easy,” I muttered, still gazing at Evelyn. I wasn’t about to waste another moment on this cheating slut. “You fucked some plumber three months after we got married. That’s how.”

Olivia approached her, shrugging while trying to fight off a grin. “I’m sorry, but you weren’t invited to this party. I’m afraid you’re going to have to leave..”

“Don’t let the door hit you,” Ari called out before giving me a thumbs-up. I had the pleasure of watching my ex-wife trying to pull together what was left of her dignity before making a quick escape. I hoped she’d remember the faint jeering and laughter that followed her.

Barrett stood by, wide-eyed and open-mouthed now that all his indignation had been blown away. I barely gave him a glance before hopping off the chair and heading straight for the woman who made me want to be a better man. “I’m sorry if I embarrassed you,” I whispered once I reached her. “But I had to tell you again, for everybody to hear. I wanted you to know there isn’t a woman on this planet who could ever compete with you. You’re everything to me. I want you to be mine.”

Her chin quivered, and her eyes swam with tears that made them look greener than ever. “But… you and Barrett…”

“Fuck Barrett.”

“Excuse me? Fuck who?” Barrett stood next to me and folded his arms just like he had during our unfortunate encounter at the warehouse.

I turned to him with a shrug. “Sorry, man. I’m not the one forcing a decision. It’s you. If I had things the way I wanted them, we’d still be friends, and I would be the man in Evelyn’s life. If you don’t want that, fine, but it’s not going to change how much I need to be with her.”

I slid a glance her way and added, “If she wants to be with me.”

“I do.” Tears spilled onto her flushed cheeks. “I want to be with you. I love you.” The three words I didn’t know I needed to hear until they came out of her mouth.

“Eve…” Barrett whispered. “You’re sure about this?”

“I love him,” Evelyn tearfully confirmed as she took his hand in both of hers. “I really love him. Can you please try to understand?”

He took one look at his sister and sighed, reaching out and cupping her cheeks. Something unspoken passed between them, something only they could understand. We could hear everything about the hell they went through together, but only they knew what it was truly like. Now, it was time to put it behind them.