Page 5 of Guarded Love

The fact was, they were turning into a bunch of old women. Completely pussy-whipped.

“Don’t worry about it,” she called out to her brother in a loud voice, like nails running down a chalkboard. “I might have sensitive skin, but it’s thick. Plus, it would be pretty sad if I let a comment from a child get to me.”

Something about this woman got under my skin. When I should just let it roll off my back, I felt the need to say something. “I look like a child to you?” I asked, spreading my arms wide. “You sure about that?”

“Please.” She shook her head without looking away from her book. “You are an overgrown little boy. End of story.”

“Hey, I have an idea!” Olivia made a big deal of running out of the water and sinking onto a chair next to Evelyn’s. “Why don’t we check out the spa? We’ll go in, rinse off, and see if they can sneak us in for a massage?”

“You should do that,” I suggested loudly while holding up my hand to catch our server’s attention. “Maybe work some of the tension out of those muscles. You might even be pleasant afterward.”

“Why are you still talking?” Evelyn snapped her book shut while the rest of the girls left the water and made their way over to her. “Nobody’s paying attention. I’m not some big-boobed waitress who needs to kiss your ass to get a tip.”

Even Barrett looked surprised at that. “See what I mean?” I muttered. “I never did a damn thing to her.”

“Do me a favor, would you?” He practically folded his hands like he was praying. “Just get along with her, okay? That’s all I ask. You don’t have to be best friends, but all this bickering and bullshit is upsetting Lourde.”

“Yeah, and my sister is hormonal. It’s the week of her fucking wedding,” Connor added in a tight voice.

“Hey. I’m cool. She stays out of my way. I’ll stay out of hers.”

“What can I get you?” The blonde with the big tits smiled down at us, her gaze lingering on me a little longer than the others. I flashed a smile out of habit, but my heart wasn’t in it. Not the way it was before. And neither was my dick, which didn’t so much as twitch when she bent over close to me and gave me a look at her deep cleavage.

Damn that Evelyn. Ruining my good time. I couldn’t shake her bitchy comments, and frankly, I was disappointed in myself for letting them linger on my mind and getting between me and a sure thing.

“I’ll have another.” Because why not? Maybe I could drink enough to forget she existed.



The past few days in the Hamptons had been dreamy. For the most part, anyway. Some of the company, I could have done without.

I had been massaged.

I had been manicured and pedicured.

I had relaxed on the beach and poolside.

“What do you think? Dinner tonight?” Olivia held up a slinky blue dress that I knew instantly would look great with her short blonde hair and complexion.

I gave her a thumbs-up and nodded. “It’ll look great on you. You should try it on.” Like magic, one of the girls working at the boutique offered to open a dressing room like she had already done for Lourde, Pepper, and Grace.

Olivia handed her the dress before turning to me and folding her arms. “What about you?”

“What about me?” I forced a strained laugh.

“We’ve been here for forty-five minutes, and you haven’t looked at anything for yourself.” There was no judgment behind her observation, yet for some reason, her kindness made me grind my molars. She had never been anything but pleasant—that was true of all of the girls—if anything, being so close in age made her a natural ally. Not to mention, she wasn’t raised with the kind of money girls like Lourde took for granted. We had that in common too.

But that didn’t make us close friends. Maybe we would be someday if only my trust issues didn’t insist on rearing their ugly head at the most inconvenient times.

She didn’t know what it was like to be me.

None of them did. His acidic voice invaded my thoughts yet again.

Don’t you know how dumb you are, girl?

“I already brought everything I need for this week.” When all that did was earn me a concerned frown, I let my fingers trail over a handful of beautiful dresses like the one Olivia chose for herself. “I don’t have an easy body to fit, you know? Not like you.”