Page 65 of Dirty Saint

“You don’t seem good,” Sadie said behind me.

I hadn’t even realized she followed me to her car.

“Do you want to leave?” she asked.

I shook my head. I was too afraid to use my voice because I knew if I tried, it would break, and I would have to explain why I was slowly drowning in the air around me.

“Are you sure?”

Again, I nodded, except this time I chanced using my voice. “For real. Just decided I needed a drink.”

Thankfully, my voice was steady, so she believed me.

I didn’t leave the side of her car for the rest of the night, and I didn’t let my eyes wander over to Koah Saint and his little redheaded cheerleader. When I was five beers in and several shots of whatever Sadie gave me, my anger refused to stay hidden. My cheeks heated with rage, and my resolve to remain cool, calm, and collected was long gone.

I wanted answers.

So when he lined up and won a third race for the night, I waited until he was away from his crew and approached him.

He leaned against his bike, his eyes glossy and his chest bare. He looked sexy, and it made me even madder that I checked him out as I approached him. He grinned when he noticed me and stood up straighter, crossing his arms and drawing my attention to his broad chest and thick arms.

“Hey, you,” he greeted me.

“Hey, yourself.”

His eyes trailed over my body before coming back up and catching my eyes. “Looking good tonight, Tori. Is this for me?” he asked, motioning to my clothes and how I looked.

“Definitely not,” I lied.

It was for him, and remembering that made me even angrier.

He chuckled before reaching out and pulling me to him. He was drunk. It was more evident now that I was closer to him and could see the look on his face and smell the alcohol on his breath. Then again, I was positive I was pretty drunk myself.

“Liar,” he said before he dipped down and kissed the side of my neck.

I didn’t want to, but I began to melt when his lips touched my skin. Before falling too hard into his embrace, I pushed at his chest and pulled away.

He leaned back and crossed his arms again. I allowed myself a quick peek at his thick arms before I looked away.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you want what I can give you?” he asked.

The problem was, I wanted what he could give me and so much more, but I wouldn’t say that. No matter how much I had to drink, I would keep that to myself.

“No, thank you. I think you’ve given away enough already tonight,” I snapped.

I sounded like a crazy girlfriend. Why couldn’t I stop myself while I was ahead?

“Nah. You need more,” he said, moving away from his bike and closer to me.

I held my palm up to stop him before he could get close enough to touch me. When he touched me, my ability to think became fuzzy.

“I wasn’t talking about me.”

His brows pulled low in confusion. “I don’t follow.”

“I saw you kissing the redhead earlier.”
