Page 63 of Dirty Saint

I was about to turn away and start stocking or cleaning something when the loud engines of motorcycles sounded. I heard them before I saw them. Seconds later, Koah, Joker, Crow, and a couple on a green-and-black bike pulled into the parking lot. My stupid heart fluttered when Koah got off his motorcycle and removed his helmet. He was incredible, and it was hard to look away from him.

Joker was right behind Koah, and my expression hardened. He was so angry with me, but the truth was, I could deal with Joker’s mean ass if it meant I got to see Koah for a bit. The group walked toward the entrance, talking and laughing at something. The couple had their arms around each other, and I wondered what it must feel like to allow yourself to be that close to another human being … especially a man.

Even as I thought those things, I knew I was different from how I was when I first ran into Koah. I was softening for him, which was scary, considering being soft meant getting hurt easily. It was unbelievable how things had changed in the past couple of weeks. How could I go from despising Koah to getting excited to see his face?

The doorbell rang when they opened the door and came inside. I straightened and waited for Koah to look my way as they passed and went to their favorite two booths, but he didn’t. I tried not to let it get me down. I knew how Joker felt about me, and from the look he gave me when they walked inside, I had a feeling Koah hadn’t told him we had squashed our issues. Joker didn’t know Koah and I were friends or whatever the hell we were.

I didn’t bother grabbing menus I knew they wouldn’t need and instead went to their table with my order pad and pen ready.

“What can I get you guys?” I asked without looking up.

“You’re still fucking here?” Joker asked.

I looked up at him and opened my mouth to respond with something equally rude, but Koah spoke before I could.

“Chill, man. She’s just doing her job.”

I swallowed, feeling something heavy and pleasurable in my chest at his words. He was standing up for me in his way.

“Yes. I’m still here.”

Joker grinned, but it was anything but friendly. “Not for much longer.”

“That’s not nice, Joker.” The girl with them spoke up.

My eyes swung her way, and she looked back at me with a sweet and honest smile.

“Who the fuck said I was nice?” Joker asked, chuckling. “She needs to go.”

“Lay off her, man,” Crow said, shocking me.

I looked down at him, but instead of looking at me, he was looking across the table at Koah with an angry look in his eyes.

“I’m fine,” I said, smiling down at Crow. “Are you guys ready to order?”

Just then, I felt Koah’s hand on the back of my leg above my knee. He sat on the edge closest to me and alone on his side of the booth.

I gasped and shivered a bit.

Surprisingly, Joker didn’t put up much of a fight, and Crow began saying what he wanted. I took down Crow’s order, scribbling with terrible shaky handwriting as Koah caressed the back of my leg and slowly moved up toward my ass, careful to keep his hand below the table. The entire time he touched me, he looked at everyone across the table as if listening to their orders.

When I got to Koah for his order, his hand was curled around my leg, his fingers almost brushing the part of me that was becoming sensitive and wet. I stepped away as soon as they were done ordering and handed Brenda the order ticket before disappearing into the bathroom for a few seconds to catch my breath.

My body hummed, my thighs were covered in goose bumps, and my nipples poked through my uniform top. I splashed some cold water on my face and patted it away with a paper towel. I needed to control myself. Getting so worked up for a man was becoming embarrassing. Especially considering that up until a few weeks ago, men were demons, and Koah Saint was their ruler.

When I got myself together and stepped out of the bathroom, Koah looked my way with a slight grin. He knew what he was doing to me, which made it even hotter.

I had a few more tables come in, and every time I went to the guys’ table to check on them, Koah would find a way to touch my leg under the table. By the time they paid their check and left, I felt all kinds of ways. Mostly, I wanted to feel his touch more.

It wasn’t until the end of my shift, when I was counting my tips, that I realized a hundred-dollar bill was folded inside three one-dollar bills. I shook my head and stuffed my tips in my back pocket. I would have to talk to him about leaving such large tips for me. Then again, come to think of it, I had been getting large tips for a couple of weeks.

Did Koah have something to do with that, or were people becoming more giving with their tips?

When I got home, Gracie was on the couch reading a book with a sensual couple on the cover. She looked up and stuffed her bookmark in place.

“Reading your smut, I see,” I said, locking the door behind me.

She set her book down and grinned. “Oh, hush it. It’s good and full of sweetness.”