Page 38 of Dirty Saint

“Man, fuck them bitches. They left your ass on the streets. I wouldn’t give them a dime. Let ’em starve.”

He was right, but every time I considered it, I looked into my aunt’s eyes and saw my mother staring back at me. After all, they were sisters, and while my aunt was nothing like my mom, she looked like her. It was hard to tell her no when all I could see was my mom staring back at me.

“I don’t know, man. They’re the only blood I have left.”

I didn’t say family because we weren’t, even though we shared blood. Joker was my family—Crow, my older brother—Skull, my brother. The two women who I felt responsible for weren’t my family. They were an annoyance. An annoyance I couldn’t let starve no matter how badly my angry side told me to let them.

“Fuck that. We’re your family. Let them bitches rot.”

He said it as if it were easy to do. My mother had been an angel even before her death, and I knew she would want me to help anyone if I could do so, especially our family. So even though my family had left me to die on the streets, I gave them money when they needed it. But I was the biggest asshole I could be when I did it.



Holybesttipsever.People were leaving fifties and hundreds for a twenty-dollar ticket, making it a point to “Tip the cook.” I hadn’t changed how I cooked things or added a new seasoning. I had no idea what was happening, but I was suddenly making more money at The Huddle than I had made my entire life.

On top of the tips, I worked a few extra hours. I was ahead on our bills and had money left over in my account for the first time ever. I bought Gracie a few new outfits for school even though she swore she didn’t need anything, and I bought myself a new pair of shoes. I even got a cheap phone full of minutes for Gracie, which shut her up about getting a job.

Things were looking up. After years of struggling, I was able to breathe a bit easier. I found myself smiling as I scrambled eggs or flipped burger patties and whistling as I helped clear tables when things slowed. I was tired, but it felt good knowing Gracie and I would be okay. We weren’t rolling in the dough or living the champagne life, but we were content, which was enough for me.

Things were looking brighter, and the sudden relief and happiness were a few of the reasons I agreed to return to The Strip with Sadie the following Friday. Also, Sadie promised we would stay as far away from the Sons of Sinister as possible, and if Saint came our way, she would take me home immediately. Plus, Gracie had Sadie’s number, meaning she could contact me if needed. A mountain of stress had been removed from my chest, and I no longer worried about running into Koah since Sadie had my back.

When I last saw him, I told him to stay away from me. I could see it in his expression he would listen. After how he treated me at the barn party and how he embarrassed me in the grocery store, I wanted nothing more to do with him.

I informed Sadie that she would need to drop me off at home before going to the Son’s after-party, but I felt okay with going to The Strip, knowing they didn’t actually own the place. Sure, they were considered gods on motorcycles by everyone else there, but that didn’t mean I had to think that way.

I hadn’t had the time to buy myself new clothes, so Sadie let me borrow an outfit. Everything I owned was torn or stained, and while I was okay with wearing my clothes, Sadie insisted I wear something nice. She said it would make me feel better about myself.

She was right about that. I felt like a new person in tight jeans and a low-cut top when I exited the car. Briefly, I felt like I was in my old life again. The clothes I wore didn’t have stains. I wasn’t living in a shitty apartment complex. I wasn’t without a car and walking everywhere when the bus wasn’t running. I was Victoria Walsh; I had a comfy home to return to with a new mattress and working heating and air.

My hair was curled and loose, hanging in midnight waves down my back, and I had even let Sadie go full crazy on my face with her expensive makeup palettes and brushes. I smoothed my palms down my jeans as I followed her. I looked good, and I felt even better.

I smiled at people who looked familiar to me and even said hello a few times. And when Sadie handed me a beer, I took it, intending to drink it. Standing with a small group on the sidelines, we chatted until the bikes began lining up on the start line. The roaring engines filled the night air, and everyone stopped and watched the battles as they began to play out.

I relaxed and enjoyed myself without Sadie telling me I needed to, and I drank a second beer when she passed it my way. I had never been much of a drinker, and after number three, I began to feel the buzzing of the alcohol in my veins. I was chatting with Sadie and sipping on beer number five when I noticed a guy smiling at me from across our group.

He was cute. His hair was dark, and his eyes were light and appealing. He was taller and tattooed like the other guys at The Strip, and I found myself smiling back at him without even realizing it. I waited for my anxiety to come forth and slap me, but it never came, not even when he started in my direction. Not even when he stood before me, grinning into my face.

“I haven’t seen you around here before. What’s your name, sweetheart?”

I would have blown him off if I hadn’t been drinking so much. The opposite sex appalled me, and I never considered flirting with one. Still, I was relaxed and didn’t need to run from him. Who said I couldn’t be polite and talk to the guy? It wasn’t like he would rape me in front of everyone at The Strip. I was safe and could make it through a simple conversation if I repeated that to myself.

“Tori. And yours?” I asked, putting the bottle to my lips and taking a long pull.

He gazed at my mouth, watching me take a drink, and his tongue peeked out as he licked his bottom lip. “They call me Chaz.”

He plucked a blunt from behind his ear and lit it.

“Chaz? That’s a unique name.”

I had no idea how to interact with people, and I was sure he noticed that.

He nodded and chuckled, sucking in a long drag and holding it in. Quickly, I tried again.

“Who aretheyexactly?” I asked.

“Huh?” His brows pulled down in confusion.